Re: Competition Types [was Re: Meeting 22 Nov (09:00 UTC)]

On 28 November 2017 at 18:51, Ivan <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Please find our Regional Federations file. We have made an auto export
> script from our database, so when data change, we’ll just export new file. I
> think we’ll have some clubs file also this week (but just club names and
> club categories for now).

Thanks!  I have a couple of questions on this..

1. The name appears twice but is identical in both columns.  Was one
of those fields supposed to be the name in your language?  I would
suggest that ideally we'd capture the names of all organisations
(clubs too) in both English, and Ukrainian/Cyrillic script.

2. The 'alternate name' contains some short codes, but we have several
repeated ones e.g. FLACHO x 3.  Is this correct?  Are they supposed to
be unique codes which people might use to refer to the region (e.g. in
national championships), or are they not useful?

> I could not update the file on web, I don’t have access to edit, so maybe
> somebody could copy-paste it there?

Hopefully Martin can paste these in; I'm in the same position.    We
will anyway try to load them into our master database in December.

- Andy

Received on Tuesday, 28 November 2017 19:43:06 UTC