Re: Web annotations for physical texts

Yes, what Karen said.

On Sat, Oct 13, 2018 at 11:27 AM Karen Coyle <> wrote:

> Do be aware that the ISBN was instituted in 1968 and took a few years to
> be fully employed. Also note that it is applied as a point-of-purchase
> code, and represents the product (hard back v paper back, British text v
> American text, ePub v Kindle) not the text. For citations that may be a
> good thing, but it depends on the desired functionality.

Have you considered finding or creating an online digitized version of the
That would make the annotation references more concrete and permanent.

OpenLibrary, HathiTrust, and others have significant archives of digital


Received on Saturday, 13 October 2018 16:59:27 UTC