- From: Sergey Parinov <sparinov@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2014 15:04:24 +0400
- To: Robert Sanderson <azaroth42@gmail.com>, public-openannotation@w3.org
Hi Rob, I hope I am not late with my suggestions to the use cases list, which is just an reinterpretation of our approach to use semantic linkage technique within research information systems in OA terms. An annotating activity as a "creating association between distinct pieces of information" has some important specifics when it is used by scientists for making research. Some new use cases can be suggested to the list at http://www.openannotation.org/usecases.html: 2.1. A scientist wishes to annotate a scientific relationship that on his/her opinion (as a fact or hypothesis) exists between a pair of research artifacts. The artifact here is some part (fragment, segment, etc.) or a whole research publication. 2.2. A scientist wishes to annotate that some research artifacts were used by him to produce a new scientific knowledge published in some materials. And to specify within the annotation which motivations he had to use each artifact, how it was used, how it impacted on his/her research. Note: This case is a demand on the advanced citation technique which should replace a traditional one for using within digital research publications. 2.3. A scientist wishes to annotate his tries and fails to use some research artifacts in his/her research which outputs were published in some materials. Note: It is also a part of advanced citation technique. 2.4. A scientist wishes to receive immediate notifications: (1) when other scientists annotated his/her research outputs (e.g. because they used it in they research), including data about a character of the using; (2) when other scientists changed materials which were annotated by the scientist (since there is a need to check and may be revise made annotations). 2.5. A scientist wishes to have an ability to react on cases of annotating (using) his/her research outputs, e.g. to help/assist with proper using of the outputs, or to protest against wrong using, etc. 2.6. A scientist wishes to have a statistical "portrait" (on some date) of how a research artifact, a publication, a set of artifacts/publications of one author/group/organization was annotated (used) by the scientific community. Or how a scientist/group/organization annotated (used) research outputs of other scientists in their work. 3. Requirements/suggestions Additionally to the list at http://www.openannotation.org/usecases.html 3.1. Annotation Model 3.1.1. Identity of a pair of related publications/artifacts: Source Resource and Target Resource. 3.1.2. Identity of an annotation as a pair of outgoing and ingoing linkages between the Source Resource and Target Resource. 3.2. Services 3.2.1. Central repository of annotations and API to get already existed annotations for the specified resource (both outgoing and ingoing types). 3.2.2. Managing of taxonomy of the scientific relationship classes and related semantic vocabularies. Central repository of semantic vocabularies submitted to be used for annotating of research artifacts. 3.2.3. Notifications of authors of: (1) annotations, and (2) resources linked by the annotations. 3.2.4. Collecting statistics about annotations, its semantic and linked resources. Processing of statistics about ingoing/outgoing annotations and its scientific relationship taxonomy to build/update the "usage portraits" for each research artifact, publication, author and organization. Is it relevant for OA ? Best wishes, Sergey 2014-02-25 2:52 GMT+04:00 Robert Sanderson <azaroth42@gmail.com>: > > Dear all, > > The W3C Digital Publishing Interest Group is going to publish a working > draft of a Note on Annotation use cases in the near future. I have put a > pre-working draft (whatever that means :) ) of the text up at: > > http://www.openannotation.org/usecases.html > > Any comments, corrections, additions, etc are very welcome! > > Thanks, > > Rob > > P.S. Bob, unfortunately data annotation directly isn't in scope of the IG > work, but I've included it under the embedded resource use case to try and > promote the discussion.
Received on Monday, 10 March 2014 10:23:47 UTC