- From: Paolo Ciccarese <paolo.ciccarese@gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 11:09:10 -0400
- To: public-openannotation <public-openannotation@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAFPX2kD59bxMNo_vQFD_mC992hnTK0yChic75e_4U0+mzR=6Ow@mail.gmail.com>
Dear all, I am currently developing the Annotopia Open Annotation server [1][2][3] and there are a few topics that I believe would be wise to discuss in the mailing list in order to collect some additional feedback. I will start with one topic: keeping track of annotation creation and update (date/agent). I collected some non conclusive thoughts here: http://hcklab.blogspot.com/2014/04/annotopia-creationupdates-with-open.html No versioning for now. If that is of interest, months ago, I wrote some thoughts here: http://www.w3.org/community/openannotation/wiki/Versioning In short, I am currently thinking of using PAV [4] with something like this: { "@id" : "http://host/s/annotation/830ED7EE-BF7B-4A18-8AE1-A9AF96AC135B", "@type" : "oa:Annotation", "annotatedAt" : "2014-02-17T09:46:11EST", "annotatedBy" : { "@id" : "http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5156-2703", "@type" : "foaf:Person", "name" : "Paolo Ciccarese" }, "pav:createdOn" : "2014-02-17T09:48:11EST", "pav:createdBy" : { "@id" : "http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5156-2703", "@type" : "foaf:Person", "name" : "Paolo Ciccarese" }, "pav:lastUpdateOn" : "2014-03-11T11:46:11EST", "pav:lastUpdateBy" : { "@id" : "http://example.org/johndoe", "@type" : "foaf:Person", "name" : "John Doe" } ... } Where: (i) 'createdOn/createdBy' for the original creation on the (Annotopia) server (ii) 'lastUpdateOn/lastUpdateBy' for the last update on the (Annotopia) server Question is: what is 'annotatedAt' going to indicate once the annotation has been updated? The original creation or the latest update? In fact, some application will understand only the 'annotatedAt' property. Another option I have, to keep the actual annotation pure OA, is to collect the additional provenance data in a separate provenance graph that can be provided on demand by who can understand it. Any thoughts? Best, Paolo [1] GitHub (Code/wiki): https://github.com/Annotopia/AtSmartStorage [2] Slides (living documentation): http://www.slideshare.net/paolociccarese/annotopia-overview-by-paolo-ciccarese [3] Talk @ 'I Annotate 2014' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGvUbFv0Zl8 [4] PAV: http://www.jbiomedsem.com/content/4/1/37 -- Dr. Paolo Ciccarese Assistant Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School Assistant in Neuroscience, Massachusetts General Hospital Senior Information Scientist, MGH Biomedical Informatics Core
Received on Friday, 25 April 2014 15:09:41 UTC