Re: whine about dctypes:Software

Hi Bob,
we have been discussing that issues when we picked that type
and we felt a little uncomfortable as well.

In the past, personally, I've been extending FOAF with some classes and
That is the other option I see. It would be our class though.


On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 1:10 AM, Bob Morris <> wrote:

> I guess this issue is in the current core also.
> In it
> is proposed that dctypes:Software be used to type a software agent.
> One problem is that dctypesSoftware is not a subtype of foaf:Agent,
> thereby requiring(?) that a foaf:Agent type also be asserted on any
> Agent of type dctype:Software.
> I don't find this inherently improper, but I'm uncomfortable about an
> asymmetry between the Person and Software cases. I don't have a better
> idea though, and wonder why the FOAF community hasn't offered such a
> subclass.
> We also would often need to have Software as the object of
> oa:annotatedBy.  In addition to humans, we have Kepler workflows
> producing annotations autonomously.
> Bob Morris
> --
> Robert A. Morris
> Emeritus Professor  of Computer Science
> UMASS-Boston
> 100 Morrissey Blvd
> Boston, MA 02125-3390
> IT Staff
> Filtered Push Project
> Harvard University Herbaria
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> Harvard University.

Dr. Paolo Ciccarese
Biomedical Informatics Research & Development
Instructor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School
Assistant in Neuroscience at Mass General Hospital
+1-857-366-1524 (mobile)   +1-617-768-8744 (office)

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