- From: Bernhard Haslhofer <bernhard.haslhofer@cornell.edu>
- Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2012 16:23:31 -0500
- To: Robert Sanderson <azaroth42@gmail.com>
- Cc: public-openannotation <public-openannotation@w3.org>
SPARQL property paths (http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-property-paths/) could solve this problem. I also think we should allow the use of controlled vocabularies to express motivation. Best, Bernhard On Thursday, November 8, 2012 at 4:08 PM, Robert Sanderson wrote: > > While we are in general supportive of the idea to use SKOS for modeling Motivations, giving access to inter-community links, narrower and broader terms and so forth, one issue that has arisen is the ability to query using SPARQL for all motivations below a certain instance. For example, if you are interested in Editing, then you might also want to also retrieve “Updating”, “Correcting”, “Deleting” and so forth. Or Linking to include Referencing and Citing. > > If subclassing is used, then this would be part of a regular SPARQL engine, however with SKOS we’re not sure that it’s possible at all to construct the appropriate graph traversal query to account for an unknown number of levels. > > If this is not a requirement, then we think that we should use SKOS. If it is a requirement, then we will stick with subclassing. Please let us know. > > Many thanks, > > Rob & Paolo
Received on Thursday, 8 November 2012 21:24:00 UTC