Qualifying DC Creator (and DC Publisher, Contributor ...)

http://dublincore.org/usage/documents/relators/ is worth a look. It
might need updating to work with more recent DC Terms representation,
but basic idea is good:

a Dublin Core doc explaining how to use marc relator codes to qualify
'contributor'. Abstract / intro copied below.

"These terms conform with the DCMI Abstract Model and may be used in
DCMI application profiles. DCMI endorses their use with Dublin Core
elements as indicated."


abstract of dc doc:

MARC Relator terms in Dublin Core metadata

The Network Development and MARC Standards Office of the Library of
Congress has made available its set of MARC Relator terms in a form
usable as elements and element refinements in Dublin Core metadata.
The use of MARC Relator terms will allow designers of metadata
applications to distinguish between different types of Contributor,
such as Illustrator or Translator.

A Web page of MARC Relator terms available for use as refinements of
Dublin Core elements is available from the Library of Congress
[RELATORS-DC]. This sub-set of terms from the full MARC Relator list
was developed in close collaboration with the Usage Board and is
endorsed by DCMI. It should be noted that all of the MARC Relator
terms -- even those which do not refine Dublin Core elements -- are
now available for use in Dublin-Core-based metadata [RELATORS-ALL].

Guidelines have been prepared on the use of MARC Relator terms as
roles [ROLES, EXAMPLES] and, more generally, on the notion of element
refinement in Dublin Core metadata [REFINEMENT]. MARC Relator terms
are identified using URIs; as with DCMI terms [NAMESPACE], these URIs
will be maintained as persistent identifiers. In addition to Web
documentation, the Library of Congress makes available an expression
in RDF asserting the relationship between MARC Relator terms and
Dublin Core elements in a form processable by machines [RELATORS-RDF].

Endorsement of Library of Congress assertions by DCMI

With this Web page [DCMI-RELATORS], DCMI endorses the set of
sub-property assertions that are expressed by Library of Congress in
Once the technical model for doing so is clarified, DCMI intends to
make its endorsement of these assertions likewise available in RDF.

Adding MARC Relator terms as sub-properties of DCMI terms

The Library of Congress regularly adds to the MARC Relator Codes as
new terms are requested by implementers. As part of the process of
adding new terms, the Network Development and MARC Standards Office
will determine whether a given term might be considered a refinement
of Contributor. Candidate terms will be proposed to the DCMI Usage
Board. If the Usage Board agrees, then an assertion that the MARC
Relator term is a sub-property of a Dublin Core element will be added
by the Library of Congress both to its Web pages [RELATORS-DC]
[RELATORS-ALL] and to the RDF expression [6] of the MARC Relator term

Historical background

The need to specify the role of an agent with respect to a resource
was much discussed in the early years of the Dublin Core initiative
[BEARMAN]. In the vote on a first set of Dublin Core Qualifiers in
2000, the proposed term Role (defined as "Indicates the role played by
the given Agent") was rejected as a semantic refinement of the agent

In subsequent discussion, the newly founded DCMI Usage Board agreed
that roles were to be modeled as element refinements. At a meeting in
Florence in October 2002, the Usage Board considered deprecating
Creator and Publisher in favor of Contributor alone. After
considerable discussion in the DCMI community, however it was decided
to leave Creator, Contributor and Publisher as separate elements and
to recommend role refinements only for Contributor.

Because a standardized, widely adopted list of roles already existed
in the MARC Code List for Relators, it was recommended that DCMI
simply use these instead of re-inventing its own. Discussion in the
DCMI Libraries Working Group (with regard to a draft application
profile that used Relator terms) and in the DCMI Usage Board revealed
a consensus that users should not be limited to a small sub-set of the
Relator terms. Given the difficulty of anticipating needs in various
domains, it was agreed that, in principle, all of the Relator terms
should be available for use in metadata. This decision implied an
evaluation of almost 200 MARC Relator terms as possible refinements of

It was decided that a MARC Relator term would be considered to be a
sub-property of a Dublin Core element only if -- both in principle and
in practice -- the term only refined, and did not extend, the
semantics of the element. Over time, and in consultation between the
DCMI Usage Board and the Library of Congress, the entire set of MARC
Relator terms was evaluated; definitions were iteratively clarified
and adjusted; and the documentation summarized on this page was put

Received on Friday, 16 March 2012 15:14:00 UTC