Summary of today's call

Hi all,

Here are the slides and documents from today's community group call


Updated project board with issues that are in scope for 2.0 in the "Under
discussion" column

Proposed specification changes to improve validation:

Spreadsheet with detailed list of updated properties and conformance rules

New requirements discussed were:

* Updating namespace to shorten the url
* Revising use of the Place and PostalAddress objects

We plan to circulate an draft of the 2.0 specification by end of next week.

If you have opinions about improving consistency of how data is published
now is the time to provide feedback.

I've circulated an updated meeting invite for future calls. It would be
great to have more of you regularly attending. If you have questions about
participating or getting involved in the standards work, then as always I'm
happy to have a chat.



Leigh Dodds, Data Infrastructure Programme Lead,
The ODI, 65 Clifton Street, London EC2A 4JE

Received on Wednesday, 18 July 2018 16:07:52 UTC