Re: Early draft of shared activity list

This list looks pretty comprehensive.
If the intention is for people who use this list in directories where
people search for things they want to do, then maybe in addition to a
description each should have a list of search tags?

Jon Holmes
Insight Manager

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Manchester City Council is Going Google and I've been *Google'd !*

On 9 May 2017 at 10:27, Leigh Dodds <> wrote:

> Hi,
> The following google doc has an early draft of a shared activity list. The
> list combines the existing lists that have been shared with the group to
> date, with some additional descriptions.
> 3Qw-oIKNMuhTeQ/edit#gid=1315372676
> Thanks for Kim and Becky for taking a lead on this work.
> Please have a look at the list and share your feedback with the group.
> There are a few items to note what I'd like to start discussing in
> tomorrow's call.
> There are a few terms in yellow which have been flagged up for further
> discussion
> Some items are missing descriptions, which will need to be added.
> The list currently have Sport and Physical Activity as top terms. This is
> because in the current data, everything falls into one of those two
> categories. But there are reasons why they may be better represented as
> collections. I'm interested in views on this.
> We are using the SKOS standard to organise the list, there's a reasonable
> overview of its key points on Wikipedia:
> System#Overview
> Representing activities as concepts (or terms) gives us more flexibility,
> as we can attach notes, documentation, identifiers and add cross-references
> between them.
> We can also represent activities as collections. This allows us to group
> together sports and physical activities in multiple ways. But we then don't
> have the option to annotate or organise those collections.
> Cheers,
> L.
> --
> Leigh Dodds, Senior Consultant,
> @ldodds
> The ODI, 65 Clifton Street, London EC2A 4JE



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