Activity Lists

Hi all, just a couple of notes from me re. activity lists prior to our call this afternoon

  1.  I think we should have a discussion in reference to the level of detail it is sensible to go into at this stage i.e. is it realistic to think that we can effectively represent the narrower terms (NT) within phase one? Would it be more realistic to establish the top terms/broader terms, achieve consensus as a standard set and then work with/each area 'owner' i(.e. NGB's/leisure operators etc.) start to establish the narrower terms as a phase 2/over a longer time frame. For example the NT's for fitness are never ending and there are a lot missing; I would expect this would be the same case across a lot of activities.
  2.  There is a mixture of what would be classified as 'Activities' and 'Programmes' within the list hierarchy's. For example Zumba and Body Pump are particular programmes of dance fitness and studio resistance training. We need to achieve consensus on whether we are including programmes/brands in the activity list or not. It is not an easy one as in some cases the activity does not really exist as a parent of the brand but is definitely achievable for the BT/TT.


[cid:image011.png@01D2B386.468CFC40]<>Jade Moulden
Head of Business Development
Tel: 01403 266000 / 07834 790892

   The national governing body for group exercise
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Received on Wednesday, 12 April 2017 15:07:06 UTC