- From: Dael Jackson <daelcss@gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2024 18:37:52 -0400
- To: www-style@w3.org
- Cc: public-open-ui@w3.org, pastithas@google.com
========================================= These are the official CSSWG minutes. Unless you're correcting the minutes, Please respond by starting a new thread with an appropriate subject line. ========================================= CSS UI ------ - RESOLVED: Add pseudo-elements for the select button and option checkmarks which are fully stylable pseudo-elements with content specified by the content property (Issue #10908: Pseudo-elements for checkmark and dropdown icon for appearance:base <select>) - RESOLVED: Adopt ::check or ::checkmark for checkbox/radio checks - jarhar will open an issue to determine if pseudo elements (yet to be named) are tree-like or element-like - The group reviewed the potential implementation of the proposal for issue #10909 https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10909#issuecomment-2435550602 . There was concerns that border being currentColor was both non-intuitive for developers and going to cause additional work to change. There was discussion around the pros and cons of using system colors which would make something predictable, but also may cause issues for things like high contrast mode. Discussion will return to github. ===== FULL MEETING MINUTES ====== Agenda: https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/10702 Present: Joey Arhar David Baron Tantek Çelik Keith Cirkel Emilio Cobos Álvarez Elika Etemad Mason Freed David Leininger Tim Nguyen Cassondra Roberts Anne van Kesteren Greg Whitworth Chair: gregwhitworth Scribe: gregwhitworth Customizable select stage 3 request =================================== github: https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9799#issue-1914386972 jarhar: In WHATWG there is an open issue for select option issue which we'll be discussing today in Open UI; I still have a lot of WHATWG specs that are open PRs that are linked in the agenda CSS UI ====== Pseudo-elements for checkmark and dropdown icon for appearance:base <select> --------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10908 jarhar: We decided a while ago to use new pseudo elements rather than before and after in the UA stylesheets but we need to determine the behavior and what their names will be <masonf> ::check and ::select-arrow jarhar: The best option right now is tree abiding pseudo elements and they'll behave like :before and :after and call them ::check and ::select-arrow <fantasai> +1 to fully styleable pseudo-elements like ::before etc. emilio: Is the plan to make content work on them? JakeA: Yes, content should work like :before and :after emilio: What is the ordering of this fantasai: They should come in the middle since they're functionally content <jarhar> ::check is before ::before, and ::select-arrow is after ::after emilio: The check is like a marker which goes before the ::before emilio: I could see it both ways keithamus: My question was going to bikeshed on the arrow word as it's prescriptive of the shape when it may not be an arrow; but it's whatever <masonf> ::select-activator <masonf> ::select-opener fantasai: We could go with ::open or something like that fantasai: ::field-button-open fantasai: That makes it reusable for other buttons anne: Is it a button icon? <dbaron> ::open-button ? jarhar: I like button-icon better than ::open state <davidleininger> ::select-toggle <masonf> +1 to ::open-button emilio: Button is odd too because you can put icons within the button emilio: It's not worse though, so I'm ok with that emilio: I thought part of this was the option checkmark emilio: I don't have a strong opinion as long as we decide something dbaron: There are a few more options on IRC dbaron: ::select-opener, ::open-button, ::select-activator, ::select-toggle <keithamus> ::select-indicator emilio: it feels weird because the whole button opens the select <davidleininger> +1 ::select-indicator <masonf> +1 ::select-indicator or ::select-icon gregwhitworth: I like keithamus ::select-indicator <anne> I don't think it's an indicator, the whole button indicates the state. gregwhitworth: To Elika's point, is there a way to generalize it at all? so that we don't end up with 30 indicators? masonf: It's more specific than ::before and ::after fantasai: Do we want this to be the thing that opens other popups <fantasai> ::field-popup-icon emilio: Is there any prior art? <fantasai> ::field-open-icon <fantasai> ::field-open-button masonf: The more that I think about it we should be thinking of the pickers masonf: in all cases it's an icon but it shouldn't have the word select in it anne: I guess that's fine, the weird thing is that the activation region is different for them anne: maybe that's fine fantasai: When you have an autocomplete field it only activates on top of the icon, and in that case the activation region it's the same but we'll want to use the same name <keithamus> Ant: suffixIcon <keithamus> Orange: select-indicator <keithamus> Carbon: select-arrow <keithamus> Evergreen: caret-down <keithamus> Primer: trailing-visual <keithamus> Material: dropdown-icon emilio: For what it's worth the gecko thing that does the show-password thing and others and I called it ::button-box but that's kind of what it is keithamus: Going through design systems and I don't see anything super inspiring argyle: There are two in there for webkit is indicator and button masonf: That makes me think it should have picker in there somewhere since that is common argyle: The indicator forces the autocomplete anne: The definition of indicator shows the state and this does not keithamus: it can as it may open and rotate to show state anne: and it's the only thing that we call indicator it will show the whole state of the widget which it doesn't <masonf> ::picker-icon ? <jarhar> I like ::picker-icon because for select its not a button but for date inputs it is a button <fantasai> ::picker-icon or ::picker-button seems reasonable <gregwhitworth> +1 to ::picker-icon <masonf> +1 to ::picker-icon <keithamus> Soft +1 to ::picker-icon. I don't love the connotations of "icon" but it seems the least-worst. emilio: You're not going to use it for non-picker things right? emilio: Will you use it for clear icon? fantasai: Those would get different names <argyle> `::picker-invoker`? <argyle> here's a search input to see this things stacking https://cdpn.io/pen/debug/WNLZqYZ <argyle> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/iL5PuLBR/Screenshot%202024-10-24%20at%208.21.55%E2%80%AFAM.png fantasai: If we're re-using this for different forms we're indexing really hard on select and there are many controls where the active region is the thing you're interacting with fantasai: In almost every other case it is the button that you click fantasai: Maybe we call it picker-button since that's the more common scenario but <select> is a bit odd masonf: I'm ok with that too. From a user's POV it really does feel like it's a button. keithamus: Does that mean for date picker you would have to open the date picker via button? anne: I don't think that's true fantasai: I think it means there are more things that can open the platform. masonf: In some cases other things can open the picker but in all cases the button will open the picker anne: I'm ok with button, you can have a label or similar keithamus: I don't want to bikeshed everything and they'll assume this is a button fantasai: It's a pseudo element though but it needs to activate in some way fantasai: All of them should have a consistent word but it seems like the obvious one keithamus: Anyone against ::picker-opener fantasai: We have file-selector-button <masonf> So choices are ::picker-icon, ::picker-button, ::picker-opener <argyle> `::picker-toggle` `::picker-invoker`? davidleininger: In chat it was a trigger or an action davidleininger: if it's going to close it it shouldn't be activator <masonf> So choices are 1) ::picker-icon, 2) ::picker-button, 3) ::picker-opener, 4) ::picker-toggle, 5)::picker-invoker, 6) ::picker-trigger <masonf> maybe we vote? <gregwhitworth> +1 masonf ntim: When we prefix it with something the pseudo element is inside that thing, that means it's inside the picker <ntim> disclosure ? <fantasai> INFORMAL POLL <keithamus> 3 <jarhar> 1 <fantasai> 2 <masonf> 1 <anne> 2 <dbaron> 3 <davidleininger> 6 <gregwhitworth> 1 <argyle> 2 <tantek> +1 take it back to the issue - with reasoning for each <tantek> abstains from the choice of name, has insufficient context to offer an informed opinion <dbaron> (I lean towards 3 because some of them seem too confusable with *parts* of the ::picker().) <ntim> I like none of these, but if I had to pick it would be 1) jarhar: There was discussion prior to names that were about it being a tree abiding pseudo and where it resides <masonf> +1 <fantasai> PROPOSED: This is a fully styleable tree-abiding pseudo-element anne: Does that mean that we would make all pseudo elements tree abiding? fantasai: I thought there was resolution on that <jarhar> proposed resolution: add pseudo-elements for the select button and option checkmarks which are tree-abiding pseudo-elements with content specified by the content property <masonf> +1 <keithamus> +1 <fantasai> +1 <jarhar> proposed resolution: add pseudo-elements for the select button and option checkmarks which are tree-abiding pseudo-elements which accepts all properties with content specified by the content property <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-pseudo-4/#treelike <jarhar> proposed resolution: add pseudo-elements for the select button and option checkmarks which are fully stylable tree-abiding pseudo-elements with content specified by the content property anne: Does this mean that picker open no longer matches because I would be ok with that anne: I'm not talking about the select element but the picker pseudo element fantasai: That is not the same pseudo element as it has stuff inside fantasai: These don't exist without having a content set to something other than a string <emilio> I guess the main question is if these are part-like (in which case we need to put them between before and after) <emilio> or more before/after like anne: A concern at TPAC raised by Jen was consistency which is what I'm after here <tantek> +1 concern about consistency across pseudo-elements fantasai: For these, I think ::before and ::after dbaron: These are currently defined "part" like pseudo elements and it is more element like and the content property doesn't work there anne: Some pseudo classes won't work with tree abiding fantasai: We want to be consistent with ::before and ::after here fantasai: There was a lot of confusion of what "part" like means here and I've removed it from the draft fantasai: They are simple empty pseudo elements and should be like ::marker, etc fantasai: We'll need to think about ::picker() more anne: For customizable select it seems imminent anne: It seems like a stage 3 blocker fantasai: Maybe fantasai: It will need to be able to point back to a pseudo class masonf: Can we resolve on the other issue anne: I was trying to make them consistent dbaron: The distinction that are leaves vs the ones that are containers and we should be consistent with their behaviors masonf: I've been thinking of those as tree abiding and part like dbaron: The spec says tree abiding and element backed masonf: ::picker is a container and what we're discussing here are the leaves masonf: Maybe that's the question you're asking anne? anne: Should they have different behaviors and that they should have different API surface masonf: Definitely don't support content anne: You can only apply content with images? anne: You can replace a <p> with an image <anne> https://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?%3C!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%0A%3Cstyle%3E%0Ap%20%7B%20content%3Aurl(image)%20%7D%0A%3C%2Fstyle%3E%0A%3Cp%3ETESt dbaron: The spec says you can but maybe not completely "not" implemented fantasai: The state of the content draft is sketchy dbaron: The other question is whether you can do strings anne: I agree that it's broken but it's unclear what the right model is fantasai: But that's largely a compat issue around that area fantasai: That constrained what ::before and ::after could be <fantasai> and what styles real elements could accept <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-pseudo-4/#treelike <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-pseudo-4/#element-like <fantasai> should make those hyphens consistent, hm <masonf> proposed resolution: add pseudo-elements for the select button and option checkmarks which are fully stylable pseudo-elements with content specified by the content property RESOLVED: Add pseudo-elements for the select button and option checkmarks which are fully stylable pseudo-elements with content specified by the content property <emilio> so, 100% not part-like? <emilio> That's fine I suppose but those are more restricted than part ACTION: jarhar to open an issue to determine if pseudo elements (yet to be named) are tree-like or element-like <RRSAgent> records action 1 masonf: are there objections to check? fantasai: the only other option is checkmark fantasai: which may make it easier <ntim> I like check <ntim> shorter masonf: I kind of like checkmark RESOLVED: Adopt ::check or ::checkmark for checkbox/radio checks Colors to use for appearance:base `<select>` -------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10909 <jarhar> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10909#issuecomment-2435550602 jarhar: In this comment which I posted, I tried to take Tim's proposed colors for appearance: base and use them in select jarhar: The one thing that may not have been fully implemented is the background color for the popover/picker jarhar: Do people like these, do you not like these? ntim does this meet what you were thinking? <fantasai> background: Field; needs to be paired with background: FieldText; to ensure contrast keithamus: I'm not super stoked about the border being currentColor jarhar: Why do you not like that? keithamus: I don't think it's that prevalent and I think a lot of design systems will adjust them and if the currentColor or textColor which will impact the border color it will create more work for devs keithamus: I know it's probably controversial but there's opportunity to add a color keyword which will be preferable, akin to accent-color. That's what design systems do keithamus: we assign a custom property define a color but they rarely if ever attach to current color <masonf> Wouldn't that be weird though because borders don't inherit? <fantasai> Note the initial value of `border-color` is `currentColor` ntim: We discussed this proposal internally and having a special keyword for border keyword is a default that ensures contrast. The only one that ensures contrast is currentColor ntim: I don't think this is really feasible jensimmons: If I understand what you were saying, is that it seems weird to authors have borders absorb currentColor and why would that change border colors jensimmons: I was on your side but we're really boxed in here, what if we invented a new system color and not any of the above jensimmons: and we went down every rabbit hole, I hate it but I'm convinced jensimmons: I posted on mastadon and 70% of devs got it wrong <fantasai> color = foreground color <fantasai> therefore also the default border-color jensimmons: People think that color == text color when the whole color of the thing means the whole color except for the parts that you have changed jensimmons: If you set color to green then you use the pseudo to change text-color, etc jensimmons: I can't reproduce the convos we've had <jensimmons> This was my survey on Mastodon: https://front-end.social/@jensimmons/113312399553267089 keithamus: I don't want to downplay them but some things jump out at me keithamus: You say 70% of devs got it wrong and we're going to follow the opposite of their intuition keithamus: We have the opportunity to get it right today and set us on a path to help them keithamus: ntim said two things, but contrast function that allows us to ensure it so we could use that? And what contrast are we trying to adhere to here? keithamus: ntim you mentioned the background is transparent jensimmons: That was an argument I kept making, if they change the color of the background and they haven't yet changed the borders, they're going to change them jensimmons: There are other states like high-contrast mode that we can map to them then that something else needs to tie into it jensimmons: I didn't know high contrast mode existed on Windows and you can't test that on Mac jensimmons: there may be different ways to set this jensimmons: Regarding the background being transparent; this is just an experiment and we should debate them and maybe they're not the right color. Everything else doesn't have a background unless you add it <emilio> Button / ButtonText / ButtonBorder do exist already fwiw, and they do work as you expect. emilio: I was going to make the opposite point is that if you make the background transparent then you actually don't get the system colors and that seems a bit odd and the default should behave better than that emilio: We do have system colors that do map almost to what we want, and we could define them to have something consistent and add some states but we can make them work emilio: We can spec them to do the correct thing and high contrast works and you don't get the weird behavior where text colors impact border colors emilio: it's also how native buttons are styles already <tantek> FYI: changing color sets the border-color by default is from CSS1 https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS1/#border-color emilio: I just want to raise that if we go with transparent option we need to acknowledge that things like high contrast are not going to work like we expect emilio: Let's get some base colors and system keywords that do something sensible and don't do anything fancy and that gets the right behavior dbaron: There was a point that fantasai made in IRC about system colors and the more I think about the popup being a system color brings the whole philosophy into question dbaron: We want to only take the styles from the page and not have system colors, and the popup has to have a background as it will just overlap stuff and this proposal give a system color background and you have to match them in pairs and you need to ensure contrast in pairs <emilio> +1 dbaron: What fantasai said as well is that we need to give the popup a system color as well but is calling the whole philosophy as well. Maybe it's ok that the in page parts don't have these but the picker uses system colors for background ntim: To dbaron's point, dialog and popover use system colors by default in the UA stylesheet ntim: It wouldn't be going away from what we have now and have the in page follow one paradigm and it wouldn't go against prior art. I agree with fantasai that we should use pairs in popup to have system background colors <emilio> Right, but then the question is why not doing the same everywhere else (not just popups)?
Received on Monday, 28 October 2024 22:38:24 UTC