- From: Dael Jackson <daelcss@gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2024 10:17:56 -0500
- To: www-style@w3.org, public-open-ui@w3.org, pastithas@google.com
========================================= These are the official CSSWG minutes. Unless you're correcting the minutes, Please respond by starting a new thread with an appropriate subject line. ========================================= OpenUI-WHATWG/HTML-CSSWG Meeting ================================ CSS UI ------ - The group began the discussion of proposed properties for the UA stylesheet (Issue #10857: UA stylesheet for appearance:base <select>) with padding:0.25em. - The group liked having the value in em, though there wasn't clear consensus if 0.25em was right. - It was stressed that in creating this we should keep in mind good accessibility and user expectations and not be tied to existing behavior. - It's also likely authors will overwrite this, so keeping it lightweight. - The styling depends on content which is a new pattern and may require thought to the naming to avoid author confusion. - The group discussed using currentColor vs system color for the picker in issue #10909 (Colors to use for appearance:base `<select>`) - The group tried to figure out what would be the most expected for developers and the most minimal since they expect it to be overwritten. - Right before the call concluded, they also started exploring how to ensure that there is appropriate contrast. ===== FULL MEETING MINUTES ====== Agenda: https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/10730 Present: Joey Arhar David Baron Keith Cirkel Emilio Cobos Álvarez Elika Etemad Chris Harrelson Mason Freed Tim Nguyen Cassondra Roberts Jen Simmons Alan Stearns Anne van Kesteren Scribe: chrishtr CSS UI ====== UA stylesheet for appearance:base <select> ------------------------------------------ github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10857 jarhar: Have a list of additional properties proposed for the UA stylesheet. Think we should just go through them one-by-one. jarhar: First rule: padding: 0.25em jarhar: Without this rule, the text in the button would stick to the borders, this centers it jarhar: There is a caveat that it changes to 0 if the developer provides a child button element. That is there because if the the developer provides it, then we should just use that button and not add on extra box decoration emilio: The select has a border right? jarhar: Going to propose to remove the border actually jarhar: That way you don't have two borders jarhar: This was discussed on a separate issue with Tim fantasai: What is the box model we're trying to style in this case? What boxes exist and what formatting context does it have? Is the select a bock box or a flexbox. jarhar: display:inline-block should answer that question (there is a proposed UA rule for it) fantasai: And it directly contains text? and if there is a provided button it shows the button? fantasai: There was a discussion about a pseudo elements, where did that go? jarhar: We decided not to have a fallback UA pseudo element in this case, and instead the select element itself should be it fantasai: If there is a button element, is block layout what you want for it? don't think so because we want the button to align with the border right? jarhar: Yes jarhar: Think we could do several adjustments if the button is there <annevk> (display: contents might make focus funky too) fantasai: from an author's perspective should not see things change just because you added markup <masonf> What if we add `select>button {border:0; padding:0}` instead? And leave select's borders and padding. <emilio> `select > button { display: contents }`? :) <fantasai> or maybe select > button { display: contents; } jensimmons: Interesting that we have styling that depends on content jensimmons: Don't know of another case that works that way jensimmons: Not sure if authors would be confused by that or not jensimmons: For the sake of these conversations more visuals would be nice jensimmons: Don't know what to think right now but want to help get it done, there might be bikeshedding. jensimmons: can't tell <masonf> Some common examples and use cases are detailed here: https://developer.chrome.com/blog/rfc-customizable-select emilio: Maybe the button shouldn't have decorations and should delegate that to the select element. display:contents on the button emilio: that may be a simpler option that avoids magic emilio: Also have feedback on the min sizing emilio: 24px may be too big emilio: white-space: normal seems find emilio: 2px block and 1px inline padding already exists? emilio: Overall, the fewer rules the better emilio: display:contents could explain has behavior emilio: Maybe also make it !important fantasai: Agree display: contents on the button make sense fantasai: No need for !important fantasai: considering pixel values for padding, I am in favor of em because it'll scale with font sizing fantasai: font-relative is good <annevk> (.25em seems quite big, that's 4px) fantasai: not sure why 1.2em, where did that come from? <dbaron> many of these things are based on the existing UA stylesheet rules for <select> emilio: Agree that em paddings are nicer. But also think that if we can avoid making different appearance:base specific CSS values that's better. The less differences the better. emilio: If existing padding is ok then let's try to accept it astearns: Uncomfortable with having a switch on select content that is not expressed in the UA stylesheet astearns: If we have things in the UA style sheet that depends on some state we should avoid that and fix it <emilio> `select:has(> button) { ... }` should work <annevk> Can't it just be `select > button`? <ntim> I like Elika's suggestion of making button display: contents <annevk> (I agree with that to an extent, there's definitely things that are just not worth generalizing to CSS syntax.) <jensimmons> Totally agree with Alan — secretly putting a switch to the styles in the engine is even more magical. It can totally be done in CSS. keithamus: In favor of the rule as it stands. 24px minimum size is useful. should consider a11y, and WCAG recommends that keithamus: I'd prefer even larger but smaller gets quite problematic <masonf> Rule #3 here says we need to follow WCAG: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10866 <annevk> (E.g., detecting iso-8859-8-i.) keithamus: 0.25em is also good, a lot of design systems use it keithamus: Need good defaults for modern-day practices and a11y practices. This is an opportunity to set good defaults. <astearns> +1 to not always following current styling <fantasai> strong +1 to keithamus keithamus: Should avoid making it too complicated, but since it's easy for authors to customize it doesn't get in their way keithamus: display: contents is problematic, might be confusing to developers. Also might have a11y problems keithamus: If you have a button in the select then probably the button should be in the AT, but if it's display:contents that would mess this up annevk: One meta point is that as we decide on these rules it'll have implications for base styles for other controls annevk: if we decide padding or sizing here then it should make sense for other controls annevk: don't want to have to revisit for other form controls annevk: With regards to display: contents, there are a lot of implications of display: contents for focus and so on that make it tricky annevk: If you just use a child selector then we could override its border and padding to be 0? annevk: If you're styling this button will its appearance be? <emilio> So `select > button { appearance: none; padding: 0; border: 0 }`? masonf: One rule we're following is to follow WCAG, which is where 24px came from masonf: Agree that we could have a rule like what Emilio wrote to remove appearance and put 0 padding and border jarhar: The way we implemented it is that if the button is present then focus delegates to it, including focus rings jarhar: If there is no button then the select element itself gets the focus <emilio> display: contents on the button seems like a nicer fix for the focus issue tbh :) * fantasai thinks that sounds very confusing for authors to style masonf: Others said let's inherit padding when possible from appearance: auto. I think we should fix them to be good. <annevk> I think if the `button` is being styled in the UA style sheet we need to figure out `appearance: base` for it. <astearns> +1 to not making !important rules in the UA stylesheet if we can avoid it fantasai: Wanted to agree with Mason's sentiment that we should not optimize for avoiding rules that override auto, we should instead make a good and consistent base style without worrying about auto fantasai: The button stuff sounds really confusing, since if you have a button you have to style that and not the select, and if not the select. fantasai: The button should be a markup extra that somehow doesn't need that complication fantasai: If the purpose of the button is to clarify hierarchies then limit to that, and make it display: contents !important emilio: Happy to concede on the padding emilio: the focus shenanigans: display: contents would be simpler. then the rules for outlines would be simpler, since you'd always focus the select and not the button <fantasai> +1 emilio keithamus: One thing we might consider is that this is going to get integrated into sites that already have a lot of CSS, including around buttons keithamus: they will also have CSS around focus, active, etc keithamus: Making the button a transparent part of the select might be a moot point, because the author is going to have button styling already in their theme, which they'd have to undo masonf: Following on that, if it was a custom element, you'd likely do the thing where you delegate styling. Feels odd to have HTML that has a button and the button is not a regular button masonf: display: contents seems weird from that perspective <annevk> What's the use case for the custom button? How does display: contents not invalidate that use case? <emilio> annevk my understanding is that the button is mostly a way to be able to slot things in the select jarhar: Back when we were working on earlier iterations for this project, there was a way to put anything you want into the slot. Now that I'm hearing people express concerns about different ways to handle this button, I'm thinking the original model was quite nice. Could we go back to that? jarhar: We can't reuse the slot element, but maybe a new element or concept? <jensimmons> No, we should use <button> not a <div> + new slot thing. annevk: The slot API is a web developer API. annevk: Don't care about the button element that much, it's the content? annevk: Maybe an appearance:base button could help? ntim: Before thinking about the styles with the button case, want to step back - what use cases will people use buttons for? ntim: If it's used for a split button then display: contents is probably not right ntim: Would be nice to see a list of use cases <masonf> Some examples with custom buttons here: https://developer.chrome.com/blog/rfc-customizable-select jarhar: The main purpose of the button is to allow the developer to provide a way to put anything they want in the base element jarhar: A big use case is declaratively copying the selected option into the button jarhar: Without providing them with a button, it precludes them putting their own or rich content into the in-page select element part jarhar: Without doing this we'll miss most use cases ntim: Does it allow for split buttons? jarhar: There has been a lot of discussion at OpenUI with experts jarhar: Split buttons have different a11y mapping, and they recommend using a completely different element for that, so split buttons is out of scope at the moment <fantasai> annevk, see https://developer.chrome.com/blog/rfc-customizable-select -- the selectedoption is inside the <button>, and allows putting in additional content in addition to the <selectedoption> <annevk> fantasai, fair. In that case figuring out appearance: base for button and then unstyling it when it's a child of select seems like a good way forward to me. jensimmons: An interesting thing about this project is understanding what it means to make a UA stylesheet. Definitely think padding should be font-dependent. But if I we designing a design system I'd use line height units. jensimmons: We're trying to fix some decisions made back in the 90s jensimmons: We're not making the world's best design system though, just providing a base styling. Might not be the perfect thing for them, but to find a way to match the new with the old jensimmons: without confusing authors keithamus: To extend on that point, we're not building this for people who are building on design systems or building a design system, these are defaults. Design systems will very likely override most of these. keithamus: Need to make sure it has accessible defaults, and that the styles aren't too difficult to override <ntim> If the only use case is for the button is selectedoption, it makes sense to me from a styling perspective that button gets `display: contents` <fantasai> In that case, wouldn't you just style select { display: flex; } ? <keithamus> it might be worth testing it against a bunch of popular CSS Reset libraries to ensure they don't break it in bad ways masonf: Roughly +1 to what Jen and Keith said. Agree authors will reset it. Minimal is better. masonf: We've been staring at this screen for an hour, but it's a quarter of the entire proposed style sheet masonf: Suggest we iterate in the issue instead of live astearns: Want to amplify Joey's point that the justification is in the comment, please reply on the issue Colors to use for appearance:base `<select>` -------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10909 jarhar: Last time we talked about this issue I tried to loop in Tim's proposed styles for buttons for appearance:base into select jarhar: Also talked about system colors and contrast, and the picker jarhar: Since then I've posted some styles that used Tim's proposed colors for in-page and system colors for picker jarhar: Thought these would be reasonable defaults jarhar: Emilio proposed an alternative about system colors jarhar: I don't have strong opinions but would like to choose something jarhar: Emilio liked system colors because it ensures contrast with all the modes ntim: My original suggestion of using currentcolor and transparency was to make in-page controls as easy to style as a blank div ntim: For the picker, we can't use transparency. Think we should use system colors there. Dialogs and popovers use them by default also. ntim: Everything I've proposed is consistent with other things in HTML emilio: The main reason why I think system colors could be worth it is that it works with color scheme and forced colors. emilio: Also don't think it would be not too hard to do it. But don't object to using currentcolor etc masonf: I think we should aim for having a thing that is easiest to understand, since developers are likely to override anyway. masonf: Weakly in favor of what Emilio is proposing for that reason <masonf> In devtools, they'll see that background-color is `color-mix( in lab, currentColor 10%, transparent)` <jensimmons> 100% developers do not know that system colors exist. They will assume these are defined colors in the UA stylesheet. fantasai: The currentcolor approach is more minimal I think fantasai: They get colors either way, but fewer with currentcolor, so I think it's easier for them to override just that one jensimmons: There are different groups of colors: text, borders, bits and pieces jensimmons: Why are the backgrounds of my form a certain color? jensimmons: As soon as they change the color of the page it'll show a difference for their form jensimmons: Nothing else on the page comes with a background color, so I think it's better for this to not have one other jensimmons: Like the idea of a transparent background jensimmons: It's busywork to have to change that jensimmons: This makes them feel a pain in the ass to style keithamus: Dialogs and popovers have canvas as the background color keithamus: My preference would be system colors <annevk> I think dialog and popover are different in that they are displayed in the top layer. <annevk> Form controls are not. astearns: I wonder if using transparency would get us into problems with contrast emilio: It doesn't necessarily cause contrast issues unless you use background images emilio: I think native app design systems do have background colors on their form controls? <ntim> material design :) <jensimmons> Yes, canvas and dialog have backgrounds. That makes sense. Form controls don't feel special — like they should be part of the page... they are elements on the page. Where dialog — well, of course it has a color. Just like the body itself. It's a thing, that needs a background. <jensimmons> What's also super important is thinking through how authors will override the colors. How will they change each, and what else does that affect? fantasai: Is there a precedent for toolkits with transparent backgrounds? fantasai: If we go with system colors we'd have to define more of them fantasai: Different systems also display select elements differently keithamus: System colors are an abstraction away from color mixing, but we're presumably sticking to one style emilio: Nothing prevents us from mixing to currentcolor fantasai: System colors require contrast, but currrentColor doesn't know what it is mixing with? fantasai: Needs contrast between system colors <fantasai> (can't compute a system color to transparent) <fantasai> +1 to understanding the developer experience better
Received on Saturday, 9 November 2024 15:18:27 UTC