- From: Dael Jackson <daelcss@gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 16:27:58 -0400
- To: www-style@w3.org, public-open-ui@w3.org, pastithas@google.com
========================================= These are the official CSSWG minutes. Unless you're correcting the minutes, Please respond by starting a new thread with an appropriate subject line. ========================================= OpenUI-WHATWG/HTML-CSSWG meeting ================================ How to implement and shape API for `<selectedoption>` element for `<select>` ----------------------------------------------------------------- - RESOLVED: Move forward with the light dom cloning API shape and discuss timing in the issue Popover Topics -------------- - There was strong use cases to support the need to solve especially for the tooltip case, though also acknowledging this will be challenging on touch interfaces. - Several people clarified that, though we've been just saying tooltip, they had both a rich and a basic tooltip in mind that would have somewhat different behaviors/needs. - Concerns were also raised if this was the right ux to expose information. Some folks believed it was, but others will have conversations with design teams to form an opinion. - Discussion will resume in a few weeks after folks have had a chance to think more with their internal teams. Issue #10462: css-ui- Pseudo-elements for stylable select ------------------------------------------- - There was a brief introduction to the proposal to have pseudo elements to target the fallback element and the concern that we need to use something that doesn't expose the shadow parts. - Time ran out before the group could discuss further so conversation will continue on the issue. ===== FULL MEETING MINUTES ====== Agenda: https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/10484 Present: Joey Arhar David Baron Keith Cirkel Daniel Clark Emilio Cobos Álvarez Brecht De Ruyte Mason Freed Chris Harrelson Sanket Joshi Aditya Keerthi Olli Pettay Alan Stearns Greg Whitworth Scribe: gregwhitworth OpenUI-WHATWG/HTML-CSSWG meeting ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ How to implement and shape API for `<selectedoption>` element for `<select>` ================================================================= github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10242 jarhar: There was a CSS issue where we briefly discussed this and the usecase is that if you are making a customizable select element you want to have a button that is fully styleable and contains rich content within the button and style it differently than the content that is in the option jarhar: If you have a country picker and the option only has the flag representation but in the selectedoption shows the other DOM content within it. When the option is changed the contents of the option itself will be changed with the selected option's DOM content jarhar: The way I've implemented this in the Chromium POC is to use the cloneNode API and it works pretty well jarhar: In the past we've discussed using a useragent shadow and the sanitizer API jarhar: This would require us to complete the sanitizer API and a new CSS syntax emilio: What is the behavior if you don't have <selectedoption> element? jarhar: If you don't provide a button at all then you'll get the same behavior you get today where the text content is copied into the button. If you provide the button without the selectedoption element then it won't be copied emilio: My only concern was if you were going to change the shadow DOM. It feels kind of clunky to change the Light DOM and all of its benefits but I don't have a better proposal smaug: I think the light DOM option might be fine. This is similar to SVG use smaug: In Gecko it re-clones when we do style flush so you kind of want something like that here and since Anne was asking about scheduling emilio: Do we want to handle dynamic mutations to the selectedoption jarhar: We want to keep up with any mutations on the element itself which Chromium uses today jarhar: The mutation observer will catch the mutation and clone the content into the shadowRoot of the button emilio: The key tricky bit is when this should run emilio: It should be similar to mutation and changeEvent case emilio: if we use mutation observer timing smaug: It would be odd that it wouldn't get the correct layout information emilio: In Gecko we have internal mutation observers that happens synchronously smaug: Whenever layout is flushed we do the actual clone emilio: It is odd to do DOM observable changes at style flush time emilio: I don't think that would be a viable option here smaug: If you're updating Light DOM all of the other observers will still work so they should work as expected emilio: If you modify the option and read back the bounding client rect you should have the same issue chrishtr: If someone were to polyfill this with mutation observers they would get the experience? emilio: In jarhar's example you grow the size of the icon or something upon cloning and you get bounding rect on the element you would need to wait for the post microtask astearns: Do we need to have more discussions about timing in the issue or can we resolve it? emilio: I think we should discuss it async as there are tradeoffs chrishtr: Is it ok to conclude that the approach we're taking is ok but we need to resolve on the timing? emilio: I suppose so, but if the timing is not right then it may make it so then it may require us re-thinking the light DOM cloning chrishtr: What considerations would make it "not fine"? smaug: In theory we could use custom element reaction timing which is sooner. We have options but haven't gone over them astearns: Let's set timing aside for a minute dandclark: I added myself to the queue to support the light DOM solution since it's all author controlled content dandclark: I would like to be able to explain the timing with author defined APIs and it will be easier to understand dandclark: We can discuss that more in the issued <chrishtr> +1 to microtask timing emilio: Custom element reaction timing seems worth exploring and would make things more consistent emilio: It is an issue beyond layout but any type of DOM interrogation astearns: We can resolve that we want to move forward with this shape but discuss the timing more astearns: Any other concerns? <emilio> +1 to light dom if there is a reasonable timing for it <jarhar> proposed resolution: move forward with the light dom cloning api shape and discuss timing in the issue <masonf> +1 <gregwhitworth> +1 RESOLVED: Move forward with the light dom cloning api shape and discuss timing in the issue smaug: Anne was asking about the solution for multiple astearns: and maybe a separate issue Popover Topics -------------- github issues: https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9625 https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/9841 https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/9778 scribe: jarhar masonf: Chrome is working on enabling the tooltip use case. There are a number of tooltips on the web, every design system has one. We are working on a set of apis that enable that use case, and I wanted to talk generally. Those things are popover=hint and a proposal called interesttarget. interesttarget builds on the invoker commands api. masonf: On the standards position for popover=hint webkit said they were leaning negative and it sounded more generally negative about tooltips. Maybe it would be good to agree on the use case itself and maybe get into a little bit of the detail. Does that make sense to do today? masonf: One thing I think I've done poorly here is pushing for the apis separately and no collective talk on how they're important with each other masonf: Web platform has one primitive for tooltips which is the title attribute. There are a number of problems with that api. html spec has a note that says please don't use this thing. It only supports plain text, it doesn't work for all users, no support for keyboard users, touch isn't great, etc. masonf: Developers complain about lack of customizability masonf: State of the web is to go build your own tooltip. When things are re-invented there are bugs and problems, and there are accessibility problems masonf: lack of support for touch users, keyboard users, and assistive tech users <astearns> webkit discussion: https://github.com/WebKit/standards-positions/issues/305#issuecomment-2250443326 masonf: This is more general than tooltips, but that's what we want to make sure we solve masonf: We want to hover an element or something else and make sure that opens a tooltip. This could also be used for menus, hover over a menu and a submenu appears masonf: Solution we're aiming for currently are two apis. The popover api gives a lot of functionality that we need, but there's an interaction problem. Typically tooltips - when they show up they don't close pickers that are open. If I have a select element that's open and I hover something else, the tooltip doesn't close the picker. That's a slight tweak to the behavior of popover, so we have popover=hint masonf: The other thing we need for tooltips is activation. Typically you want to show a tooltip when you hover over an element or keyboard focus it or touch activate it, and that's what we call the interesttarget api. That one is more difficult and is more broken in the title attribute in browsers today, but that's a problem that needs to be solved masonf: We have modeled that on another api called the invoker commands api, which is more general which has a button that activates an element like a popover or dialog masonf: There is one element that is triggering an activity on another element, keyboard activation is similar to that. That's why all three apis are grouped together. masonf: General question I have: Do people think tooltips is a thing we should solve? I want to get to stage 1 in whatwg where we can say this is a problem worth solving. pushback so far has been maybe not. keithamus: I want to give more motivation why we should solve this. I do represent github. The problem that we face for tooltips is lack of discoverability. The title attribute is not wcag aa compliant. Technically there's a carve out for that, so we need to craft our own tooltips. Profile summaries and issue summaries as well. There's a good business case and usability cases for that. There's a serious problem with the lack of discoverability for a11y users. keithamus: Hard to find good discoverability without being too verbose. We talk to them and we say that you can press this button to traverse into hover cards. Then we announce on traversal and they say that's too much. These are difficult to have in userland because we don't have the facilities with aria and announcements for that. Separate topic, aria notify. But do we need to continually ship these low level primitive, or can we say that this is a bigger thing that we need to solve <chrishtr> +1 to strong use cases <brecht_dr> +1 on that sanketj: I want to +1 that. The use case and developer need is there for tooltips. I do understand that this is more challenging on touch and we need to figure out something. My question for the group is, is there a way to separate the discussion of is tooltip a useful concept vs what is the activation story for touch surfaces? masonf: That's what I'm going for here. The discussion has been muddled because of the mixed questions of how do you do touch and is this worth solving. I want to do the is this worth solving question first sanketj: Makes sense to me. Tooltip is an important problem, no question akeerthi: Main concern is portability on other platforms. Until we get that, not sure that tooltip is the right ux. We still need more investigation on our side to consider alternative ux before mandating that tooltips are the right path forward masonf: You said main concern is portability to other platforms, like touch. But it sounds like that is the reason that you're not sure that tooltip is the right use case to solve akeerthi: Yes tooltip as a pattern itself. Websites are using them to expose useful information, but we're not sure that tooltip is the right ux pattern to expose that information. smaug: Is this a hint or tooltip? I think the feeling was that this is a hint and we're not actually trying to implement tooltips. I get confused here. The github use cases are not traditional tooltips but they are something a bit different keithamus: Two problems that need solving. One of them is stylable tooltips, which we implement our own because we want control over styling and timing. I know there's work to look at stylable tooltip but we still need to control timing and interactivity. We want modes where when one tooltip is open then it has reduced timing to open other tooltips so you don't have to wait 2 seconds each time keithamus: Second case for rich tooltips as I call them, but we call them hover cards at github. I think the same - they're conceptually very similar. We want the same delays, same patterns. We could use popover to implement both of them. If were going to look at stylable titles, then there's a lot of work there to expand it to the level of capabilities that a site like github expects. There's two use cases if you want to separate them. masonf: I've been calling them both tooltip, one is plain and one is rich. Various names, but I've been trying to group them and solve them both masonf: If narrowing that down changes the view of webkit that would be important to talk about. It's only triggering that is the concern and that would be the same for both keithamus: For a plain tooltip, its generally going to be auxiliary plain text information, like a description for a button. We can solve those in an accessibility forward way by setting aria label on a button. They could be solved differently. On a touch device, you could long press inside the button. Because it's plain text there's a lot more affordances. For a rich tooltip we want tighter control, a hover card has interactive stuff in it keithamus: The point there is that for an a11y users they don't need to traverse into a plain tooltip, they need to have it announced. It's just a mini page that's on top of the other ui masonf: I believe the objection is about triggering and not a11y. For a keyboard or mouse user you still have to trigger it somehow. The triggering story is the same in either case right? keithamus: For the a11y case its not necessarily. But largely I agree and that is desired. We want a uniform ui for different surfaces, like touch and desktop. There's no way to cleanly delineate those because of a laptop with a touch screen keithamus: You can also plug a mouse into an iphone, so who knows what to do chrishtr: It sounds like we made some progress. Perhaps we should use the terminology tooltip for the text based explanation of what a menu or button is going to do, which I think is what Keith was saying. Hover card use case, is like a rich information dialog or a preview of a page that you would go to if you would click but you don't want to click on it because its slower or worse ux chrishtr: Title or aria can work for first use case, for the hover card case, maybe this has different requirements to it. Is it really necessary to expose hover cards? Is it a convenience as opposed to a necessary part of users understanding the ui? If its a addon that's nice to have for mouse users, then it's not really necessary for users to understand the page. For a touch only device, exposing it through a special gesture or menu provided by the ua that's not as discoverable is ok because its not actually needed to understand the page keithamus: The way we architect hover cards is that a lot of the information is preloaded vs the entire user page. It offers us a way to alleviate compute pressure which is easier on our servers. The big one there is that if we are able to preload the information in hovercards, for users on mobile who don't have stable internet, that still requires a request at the time of press for a full page preview keithamus: To the aria label case, I think again if we can make title as capable as most design systems, which means stylable and controllable delays it could be a good happy medium but by the time we get there we would be implementing what we already are proposing with interest targets chrishtr: What you said seems to correlate with what I was proposing for how to think about it. It optimizes for developer and user but its not necessary to understand the page <ntim> There's already a ::tooltip pseudo-element suggested in the CSSWG to style the `title` attribute popup keithamus: I agree that its not necessary. I was hoping for it to be a better ux for mobile users. If you're on a desktop machine the latency is better and you might not need it as much as mobile masonf: I think we all agree that tooltips are auxiliary information to understand the page, but it doesn't mean that people shouldn't be able to get them. But there should be a way for every user to access them gregwhitworth: I would love to understand, you mentioned Aditya that it was the input modalities that you would need more investigation. Do you know when that would be? gregwhitworth: Our paradigms are all the same, put some content in the popup. It would be unfortunate to spend time and just say no again akeerthi: In 2 weeks we can follow up with our design team ntim: We want to solve for all our platforms: ios, vision os. vision os has specific challenges, privacy. gregwhitworth: Other companies have devices that have popups on top of them. I would love if we're going to push back from a ux perspective can we push back instead of just say we don't like the ux gregwhitworth: If they're not uniform at a platform level than ATs won't work gregwhitworth: The user has low vision so even though they're on a desktop they'll have it zoomed in so a lower-case P fills the laptop screen. So a "desktop" experience is equivalent to a mobile physical visual experience (maybe even smaller) perspective gregwhitworth: Solving this in the platform is invaluable so I don't think we should delay it gregwhitworth: Especially if y'all have ideas on how to solve the a11y chrishtr: Keith I'm wondering if github has any touch based ui that you've experimented with for hover cards that we could use for inspiration keithamus: We haven't done anything with it because its quite restricted. The idea is that it would be a long press but you don't get the same part of the access or you disable things that people do want like open in a new tab, so we just don't have them on mobile. But we would like to have them on mobile. We are limited in userland to do this stuff chrishtr: So you would like to do long press but you can't? keithamus: We could emulate a long press itself but then we would prevent native menus, and native menus we can't emulate, or we could try but it would be undesirable. It's a problem that needs a large amount of investment if we're going to do that. I don't see a great payoff and its hard to make a case - let's investigate for 6 months but hopefully we can talk here instead chrishtr: If the long press opened the context menu but there was something in there that said open hover card would that be a good ux? keithamus: I think that would be acceptable, yeah. keithamus: I looked at how we could do content negotiation sniffing for showing the preview card. We looked at that but the problem is that there's no interactivity. We have very limited options. I think a menu option would be an acceptable tradeoff on our side astearns: On the issue of better styling for title content, there is a proposal that Tim noted for a tooltip pseudo for that kind of styling masonf: That would allow you to just change one thing about one set of content, not have text in two different fonts etc astearns: We will continue the discussion of invoking these things and talk about the use cases generally once people get back astearns: Anything more we should talk about these today? masonf: I thought about talking about popover=hint specifically, is unrelated entirely about triggering since it's just about other popovers masonf: Could be used to build hover cards if you build triggering. I'm wondering if there's appetite to have support for popover=hint and that way we can focus on the hard part astearns: Intent would be to approve on popover=hint changes? masonf: Yes akeerthi: I'd like to hear from Anne on this, I think it would be reasonable to wait masonf: There's a recent comment on webkit standards for that proposal. Sounds like we'll wait again to discuss this in a couple weeks CSS UI ====== Pseudo-elements for stylable select ----------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10462 jarhar: We spoke about the shadowroot structure of the select element and we want to target them with the pseudo selects jarhar: This is a proposal to use pseudo elements to target the fallback element or one that is supplied by the author jarhar: I spoke with emilio about this before and it can target both author and shadow and CSS you can target the same element there was concern jarhar: You can target them as pseudo elements and regular elements jarhar: Make it so that the pseudo elements don't target the author elements emilio: There are a fair amount of APIs that will need to cope with this and not make it really complicated and we'll get it wrong and things will be inconsistent emilio: Let's start with nothing too special or an alternative like animations don't expose nodes that are shadow parts emilio: We ideally would be able to solve that but if you're observing it from the outside it's a part, if you're in the tree you observe it like normal. We can do something like that emilio: We have a resolution to do more part() type pseudos and make them behave like shadow parts emilio: We don't expose a reference to them like other elements and then we can kick down the road to expose them in these APIs. Which honestly I've never seen anyone complain about that and you can put the datalist in the light tree if you want emilio: I haven't thought through all of the implications and I don't think we have a definition of this part "like" element for this emilio: Effectively we won't hit that kind of problem
Received on Friday, 26 July 2024 20:28:30 UTC