[CSSWG] Open UI-WHATWG/HTML-CSSWG Meeting Notes 2024-12-05

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.



  - RESOLVED: Have the same border radius for base appearance for
              selects and buttons, conditional on giving others not
              present a week to review. (Issue #10857: UA stylesheet
              for appearance:base `<select>`)
  - RESOLVED: Use transparent background color for base appearance
              selects, buttons, and inputs (Issue #10857)

Add support for CSS reading-flow (HTML PR #10613)

  - More discussion is needed on the handling of tabindex before a
      resolution can be reached.
  - The CSS spec does not yet have a FPWD due to some substantial
      questions against the draft, but the interaction with HTML was


Agenda: https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/10813

  Rachel Andrew
  Joey Arhar
  Keith Cirkel
  Dan Clark
  Emilio Cobos Álvarez
  Elika Etemad
  Mason Freed
  Alan Stearns
  Anne van Kesteren
  Luke Warlow

Scribe: keithamus
Scribe's scribe: jarhar



UA stylesheet for appearance:base `<select>`
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10857

  jarhar: We discussed colors last time. Some discussion in the thread;
          fantasai made a nice list. I made a recent comment to use the
          same background color for both and distinguish with border
          radius only
  jarhar: I'd like to get a resolution if possible
  <fantasai> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10857#issuecomment-2515767151
  annevk: Tim and Jen aren't here - can we do a tentative resolution to
          hear feedback from them?
  astearns: We'll often take a full resolution with the caveat in it,
            waiting to act until people are able to take a look
  annevk: That's workable

  astearns: So one at a time, jarhar suggested we _only_ use border
            radius, not background or color to distinguish. Can you go
            into reasoning?
  jarhar: Alternative to using same background to both is inputs having
          transparent, and buttons having color mix.
  jarhar: In some offline discussions I recall Tim making it fully
          transparent, also Tab likes fully transparent more. It sounds
  jarhar: People seem to have a preference for fully transparent.
  astearns: So background and background color out because of the
            transparency possibility? Border radius was the original
            option presented, is there anything beside radius?
  jarhar: Good question
  astearns: Not opposed, just want to make sure we're deciding right
  <fantasai> Could use box-shadow
  jarhar: With the objective in mind of trying to use background-color
          for select - why I'm interested in this resolution - I'm not
          saying we can't make further distinctions but I'd like to
          settle on border-radius/background color

  lwarlow: My preference would be buttons/inputs/selects all have the
           same base style. I'm not sure adding border-radius
           facilitates anything?
  lwarlow: Background color doesn't change anything... border radius is
           going to be changed. I don't think it makes sense to have a
  lwarlow: Open question of should we distinguish them; probably no
           from me. A uniform look for interactive elements.
  lwarlow: Inputs have popups with their own inputs, an input isn't
           that different to a select.

  keithamus: I'm not disagreeing with Luke but I think border radius is
             fine. Other thing is text align right? I imagine that text
             align center is on buttons and selects and text align left
             is on inputs. Is that something that we're going to do?
  masonf: text align start in select, button is unset.
  <fantasai> +1 to text-align
  <lwarlow> Personally I see text-align start more for selects and
            inputs but not for button
  astearns: We can certainly consider it as part of the stylesheet but
            not a distinguishing mark
  <fantasai> +1 to astearns's point
  astearns: I think in most cases inputs are start aligned, but text
            aligned is inherited from other content - so a UI centered
            aligned will have centered aligned inputs

  annevk: If you have an input element with an initial value and you
          have a button can you distinguish by just looking at them?
  annevk: If they just have a border?

  masonf: To clarify, we seem to have agreed we're not using the 10%
          background and going fully transparent?
  astearns: That's my understanding
  masonf: The thing I wanted to say, being able to distinguish inputs
          vs buttons vs selects - the one that seems special is the
          button. Clicking on others isn't destructive, a button _does_
          something, you click on it and oops it was a submit button
  masonf: Making input/select is fine, and we should focus more on
          button for this discussion

  jarhar: My goal was to align selects with buttons as opposed to inputs
  jarhar: In the interests of distinguishing between the two, border
          radius is a good way to do that, since it's on the table
          right now. As for text-align I haven't explored in a ton of
          detail. Some content to think about.
  jarhar: Right now just interested in the border color, background
          color, border radius
  jarhar: So are people okay with border radius?
  astearns: I suspect people are fine with not changing background color

  lwarlow: 0.25 and 0 are effectively the same - I can't tell the
           difference with my eyesight. If we want to distinguish them
           we should also use a color
  fantasai: That's a quarter of a font-size. Should be significant
  lwarlow: My eyesight might be bad
  annevk: 4 CSS pixels? Not a whole lot.
  <fantasai> We could do 0.5em
  <fantasai> https://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?%3C!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%0A%3Cdiv%20style%3D%22border%3A%20solid%201px%3B%20padding%3A%200.25em%3B%20border-radius%3A%200.5em%22%3Etest%3C%2Fdiv%3E

  keithamus: font-weight: bold might be useful in addition too
  masonf: Buttons with more border radius to make it look different -
          half an em for the button to show its really rounded could
          show it's different.
  annevk: I would assume we'd use the same style for button and select
  annevk: I'm concerned about the distinction between text controls and
  annevk: Can you click it vs edit it is a thing you might want to tell
          by looking at it
  masonf: But for the user nothing scary about - if you click it and
          nothing bad happens
  masonf: For select, you can abort without penalties
  masonf: but button is scary
  <fantasai> +1 masonf
  annevk: But last time we came to the conclusion that select style
          impact how we style button
  annevk: If we only use border radius to distinguish, is that
          sufficient or not?
  annevk: The select concerns get grouped with button
  annevk: Select could look like a text input... I thought jarhar was
          also doing that
  masonf: Cursor style tells you a bit about it too

  keithamus: Select and buttons have visually distinct style because of
             dropdown marker. But also to Mason's point of buttons
             doing the dangerous thing, I think it is ambiguous. If we
             are deciding based on that factor, buttons don't always do
             the dangerous thing. A lot of buttons in websites are to
             build select equivalent things. To Anne's point,
  keithamus: there is validity in making combobox and select visually
             distinct. One of those is editable and one is read only.
             There should be a distinction. There's a caret but that's
             not sufficient
  keithamus: Both points are correct to a degree, but there's probably
             additional distinguishing things to add.
  keithamus: Text inputs we can have them as border with no border
             radius with no background, normal font weight
  keithamus: Select could be styled like a button. but we know that
             selects aren't going to be dangerous because they have
             visual treatment
  keithamus: combobox needs to look like a mish mash of the two. have
             the triangle but look like an input?
  keithamus: Buttons need to have a style but authors can decide how
             dangerous they're going to be and they can style them
  keithamus: That's how I see it. I think we should have a very
             distinguishable style for buttons and selects should look
             like buttons. Editable form controls should have a
             distinguishable style

  lwarlow: keithamus touched on some of what I am thinking; buttons
           aren't always dangerous. Customizable select is very
           literally a button that opens a popover. I think that we're
           using a button element in a select says they should be
           treated relatively similar
  lwarlow: Border radius alone is _probably_ enough, we just need to
           figure out a value
  lwarlow: Something masonf touched on around the cursor is a good
           point too

  fantasai: I think 0.5em would be a better size for border radius
  fantasai: masonf's point was compelling on where to use it. That's
            all I have
  <masonf> So the variables we have available to distinguish input,
           select, button are: border-radius, text-align, cursor, and
           the presence of ::picker-icon.

  astearns: Sounds like we're converging on select and buttons using
            the same border-radius
  <emilio> +1 on making buttons and select the same
  masonf: should background-color be included in that?
  <jarhar> proposed resolution: have the same border radius for base
           appearance for selects and buttons, conditional on giving
           others not present a week to review.
  <keithamus> +1
  <dandclark> +1
  <masonf> +1
  <fantasai> wfm

  emilio: +1 on making select/button similar, but I am still uneasy
          about adding border-radius only on appearance base. The more
          computed value time dependencies we add the more we
          complicate reasoning about css.
  astearns: Can you describe computed value time issue you're seeing?
  emilio: Appearance effecting border-radius
  emilio: Either with magic CSS that UAs can only use or with magic
          adjustments after we've.... it feels very odd
  emilio: It makes dependency tracking between properties more annoying
  emilio: I'd like to change as little as possible for appearance base
  annevk: Yeah I feel like we're revisiting old ground. Appearance base
          opts into new ground where you can apply with an internal
          at-rule or a value function to open the ability to make a
          good default style sheet for these controls
  annevk: If we need to litigate each property for the improved style
          sheet that's gonna take up a lot of time
  emilio: It's something we can do when we think its needed but
          border-radius is presentational.
  astearns: So while we're not re-litigating the entire idea of a style
            sheet we should be conservative about it

  masonf: We should think of it as a new control but not be chained to
          the past.
  <fantasai> +1 to masonf

  annevk: The discomfort for me is not so much... the argument from
          emilio seems to be implementation difficulty, not that
          border-radius is bad for these controls. I have a problem
          with that argument, not how conservative we are
  annevk: I have a problem with saying no against a property because
          it's hard to implement
  <emilio> not implementation difficulty
  <emilio> More like hardness of reasoning about it as an author

  jarhar: Making properties change based on appearance has been
          implemented in chrome for some time now, at first it was more
          complicated due to the CSS parser changes needed, but Andrej
          from the style team did a refactor that made all the magic
          parsing go away and we have a new internal base appearance
          thing for pretty much any property
  jarhar: I did need to set the appearance base to be a high priority
          property but it's worked so far and I'm using it a lot and
          it's working great. I have no worries with changing any of
          these properties we're discussing

  masonf: I think authors won't think about the magic required, they'll
          just look at the new styles
  fantasai: From an author perspective you're switching between two
            different style modes. There's no intra-property
            dependencies, it's just a different base style sheet.
  keithamus: We have two concrete user bases here. one is they're never
             going to customize anything and they need sensible
             defaults. Anyone who is going to customize these styles,
             they're going to customize as much as they need to. If
             they need to change the border radius they will
  fantasai: It's also an obvious one to change

  <astearns> proposed resolution: have the same border radius for base
             appearance for selects and buttons, conditional on giving
             others not present a week to review.
  <keithamus> +1
  <masonf> still +1
  <jarhar> +1

  RESOLVED: have the same border radius for base appearance for selects
            and buttons, conditional on giving others not present a
            week to review.

  <jarhar> proposed resolution: use transparent background color for
           base appearance selects, buttons, and inputs
  <keithamus> +1
  <masonf> +1
  <fantasai> +1
  <lwarlow> +1

  RESOLVED: use transparent background color for base appearance
            selects, buttons, and inputs

Add support for CSS reading-flow
  github: https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/10613

  Di: Since TPAC we've had good conversations on how to handle cases
      for reading flow
  Di: We defined what a scope owner is and so forth. Today is to
      clarify what we leave to CSS and what we leave to html
  Di: Most of the traversal logic is in HTML spec. We're fetching the
      CSS display spec to determine container and reading flow sibling
      for elements

  fantasai: Why are there so many dependencies on the CSS spec? AFAICT
            the only thing the HTML spec needs is CSS definition of
  fantasai: What are the behavior differences on something having the
            reading-flow property?
  Di: We don't depend that much on CSS. We are describing a list of
      nodes already ordered by reading flow and establishing that on
      the HTML side
  masonf: The dependencies are as expected: What is a reading flow
          container and what order
  fantasai: What is a reading flow container?
  Di: Flex or grid container and the order of grid rows and columns and
      such. We need it so we can switch into a different mode
  fantasai: We should have as a principle if the reading flow does not
            change the ordering of the container it should be a no-op.
            If I set reading-flow: flex-flow and the order of my layout
            matches source ordering it shouldn't impact HTML algorithms
  fantasai: You're saying if I set it and it matches the order will be
  annevk: There is an impact on tabindex if it's set
  annevk: tabindex is scoped to the container
  fantasai: If we're introducing a feature for scoping tabindex we
            should do it where we don't have to flip on one of these
            other things; it shouldn't be a side effect of grid layout
            following visual order
  annevk: This is the only case where we need it; for now they're
          coupled. Maybe in the future they can be uncoupled
  masonf: The reading-flow property adds new behaviors for tabindex,
          it's a focus scope, it scopes tabindex, it turns on a set of
          behaviors by using it
  fantasai: That behavior should be available without having to change
            the order; you shouldn't have to change your ordering to
            get that
  astearns: That's separate from the issue of how to spec?
  fantasai: Then you have two contexts; one is the creation of tabindex
            scoping the other is CSS providing a different order for
            children than you had original
  annevk: We don't want one without the other
  annevk: Once you have the container - the container is telling us CSS
          is doing something to the children
  annevk: It's not clear we want to impact tabindex independently from

  masonf: The tabindex part of this is to avoid breaking the feature.
          tabindex messes up the focus order in specific ways.
          Confusing situations bouncing between containers
  masonf: I don't think this is a tabindex feature - it's fixing broken
          behavior when you're using this feature
  fantasai: I feel uncomfortable with turning it on and it not being a
            no-op when it's the default order. It shouldn't impose
            additional behavior, ideally.
  <masonf> You can already scope tabindex with shadow dom or iframes

  fantasai: Secondly if there is scoping of tabindex I think that might
            be what people want for other purposes but they shouldn't
            need to change how their items are ordered in order to get
  fantasai: If that seems like something people want to do
  annevk: Generally tabindex is a misfeature, I'm not sure how much we
          want to build upon it. We just need to handle it
  masonf: iframes, shadowdom, slots, all create tabindex focus scopes
  fantasai: They require changing your HTML. It's not just "add this
            extra attribute or container", the document needs
  masonf: That's true but then we fall back to annevk's argument of
          this is a misfeature
  fantasai: I don't think we should introduce a new mode for tabindex
            solely as a side effect of something that does something
  astearns: It sounds to me like this is a necessary side effect for
            the reading order property, so we have to include it
  astearns: but I'm not sure if it's worth making a separable feature
            if the use cases aren't justified

  masonf: tabindex is a misfeature and a footgun. The reasons we had to
          make this a special feature is because otherwise it becomes
          worse than the existing footgun. This is to protect users
          from really bad things, not a "oh look here's a cool new
  <rachelandrew> +1 to masonf, if we make it a feature it's like we're
                 suggesting people use it.
  fantasai: The tabindex is whatever numbers they are inside that
            element, you never jump in and out of the element? It
            doesn't interleave?
  masonf: Correct, it keeps you jumping between reading flow items
  masonf: The UA has put them nicely for you in the correct order, but
          tabindex might mess up the ordering in very confusing ways,
          including perhaps loops

  lwarlow: I don't fully know the ins-and-outs but my understanding is
           that it's not doing something completely different to
           changing tabindex? It changes the way tab works - tabindex
           is defining the ordering within the source; reading-flow is
           saying to ignore the source and do something else. So it
           doesn't seem completely unrelated.
  lwarlow: It seems logical that my source code is now being ignored
           for a visual order. That's just my perception
  fantasai: I understand if reading flow says you're going to ignore
            the tabindex because CSS is overriding it. I also
            understand if we say that reading-order is a new source
            order, and tabindex operates on top. But scoping tabindex
            in this new way when CSS defines a new reading order
            feels off
  masonf: How would you avoid the footguns then?
  fantasai: Can you give me a concrete example?
  masonf: A local loop; tabindex jumps you to another item and you jump
          back to the one before.
  fantasai: That's an abstract example

  annevk: The other thing was - in order to land this in the HTML spec
          the CSS side needs to be ready. Is it in a WD, is it in
          review? Is it going to be renamed? What's the stability
  fantasai: We don't have a FWPD of the display module. Issues raised
            against it are not insignificant. I don't know if that'll
            result in changes to syntax or two different values or
            something like that.
  fantasai: I wouldn't qualify it as solid/ready to ship
  fantasai: How much will it change? I don't know
  astearns: We should prioritize FPWD
  fantasai: Interaction with HTML though - we can basically say there's
            going to be one or more properties in CSS that can change
            the desired reading order of a set of children of a box.
  annevk: Presumably of a node? Like an element?
  fantasai: An element
  fantasai: And CSS will define an algorithm going from source order to
            reading order
  annevk: HTML has that with the container thing... anyway I think I
          agree. A good next step for this feature to focus on

  keithamus: Why not ignore tabindex in reading-flow?
  annevk: We ignore it on the container but it makes sense for it to be
          preserved in children
  astearns: It sounds like we need more discussions on how scoping
            tabindex works, and not doing it causes problems. We'll go
            back to CSSWG to work on the draft.
  annevk: When you reference the issue - the HTML PR is not the issue
          it should go

Received on Monday, 9 December 2024 23:38:05 UTC