Re: Description / visualization of LexInfo?

Dear Christian,

While waiting for further responses, I have never seen documentation  
or images like the ones you describe. However, I have noticed that  
when teaching students without a background in ontologies or RDF, it  
can be clearer to visualize an ontology using the OWL Viz or OntoGraf  
plugins in Protegé. Personally, I prefer the latter, it allows the  
visualization of individuals in the graph. I hope it is not a too  
naive solution and can be useful to you.

Best regards.
Flavia Sciolette

Christian Chiarcos <> ha scritto:

> Dear all,
> I was trying today to explain LexInfo to a student of linguistics and
> realized that it does not seem to have any user-friendly documentation on
> the web. Is anyone aware of a piece of text or a diagram that helps users
> with limited background in RDF technologies to understand the conceptional
> structure? (For people with some background, an ontology browser would do,
> but not for this group of users.)
> Just in case that not: I also created a GitHub issue asking for such a
> thing:
> Apologies for my ignorance in case I missed anything obvious. In my own
> practice, I normally explore the official RDF files with a text editor
> and/or Protégé, but neither would work in this particular case.
> Thanks a lot, and best regards,
> Christian

Received on Thursday, 22 June 2023 07:56:44 UTC