- From: Patricia Martín Chozas <pmchozas@fi.upm.es>
- Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2023 11:23:22 +0200
- To: Patricia Martín Chozas <pmchozas@fi.upm.es>
- Message-ID: <CADA7b_XYrwt4X2UvrsCUoheLCGu6f+h66+DJj84UrtjwvROesg@mail.gmail.com>
*Apologies for cross-posting* Dear all, The UPM offers 8 positions available for the creation of the Spanish Data Space Incubator (INESData): project manager, business developer, data scientists, knowledge graph engineers, a computational linguist and a front-end developer. Deadline: 30-04-2023 (or until the positions are filled in). [image: logos_inesdata.png] *PROJECT*: INESData: Infraestructura para la Investigación de ESpacios de DAtos distribuidos en UPM *ABOUT UPM*: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) is Spain´s largest technological university, and an influential European institution of higher education, covering all engineering fields and architecture. More than 2,400 researchers carry out their activities at the UPM, grouped in more than 200 Research Groups, 20 Research Centers and Institutes and 55 Laboratories, committed to transform knowledge into innovation, applied to the productive sector, and contributing to solve the challenges of the European citizens. UPM is recognized as one of the best 75 world´s top universities in engineering and architecture, ranking among the 94 best in the world in terms of employability. As for its presence in European research and innovation activities, UPM is the first university in terms of participation in the European Framework Programme, with more than 116M euros from Horizon 2020. UPM is also an institution committed to the transfer of knowledge to society and to supporting the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set up by the United Nations General Assembly. In conclusion, UPM is open to anyone who wants to learn, research, and share their talent in any of our institution branches of knowledge. More info *HERE <https://oeg.fi.upm.es/index.php/en/jobopportunities/678-contrato-inesdata/index.html>* Hope you find this interesting. Best wishes, *Patricia Martín Chozas - Predoctoral Researcher* * Ontology Engineering Group* Artificial Intelligence Department ETSI Informáticos - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Phone: (+34) 910673091
- image/png attachment: logos_inesdata.png
Received on Tuesday, 18 April 2023 09:26:03 UTC