OntoLex FrAC module telco tomorrow, Nov 12, 12:00 CET

Dear all,

this is a gentle reminder for the OntoLex FrAC/Nexus T1.1 lexicon telco
tomorrow, Thursday, Nov 12, at 12:00 CET. The goal of the meeting is to
elaborate on embeddings, collocations and similarity, so please have your
data samples ready ;) [Otherwise, we work with the samples under

As discussed last Friday, the discussion on multimodal issues will be
primarily continued in a separate series of telcos dedicated to sign
languages and other forms of multimodal (here: non-textual or not written)
data in OntoLex.

Please note the new Google Meet link for this telco:
https://meet.google.com/rsx-mbkr-oxi (Many thanks to Julia for running that
via Uni Zaragoza).

As usual, agenda/minutes document is:
I will update the agenda by tonight, please comment or suggest changes.

Best regards,

Received on Wednesday, 11 November 2020 16:23:15 UTC