morph module development issues

Dear OntoLex community,

during last Tuesday's telco, Max and I were the only participants. As 
you can conclude, not much progress could be achieved and this 
circumstance leads me to openly sharing my concerns regarding the 
development of this module with you. After three months I have to 
summarize that, unfortunately, not much progress could be achieved. Only 
very few people are able to participate regularly in the telcos and 
those are often not lexicographers. Arising issues that need to be 
discussed by more members of the community group and for which I asked 
for feedback via e-mail, receive very little to zero feedback.

As a result, we are stuck with many open questions about whether 
lexicographers have certain kind of morphological data at all or if they 
recommend it to be representable with the new module. Especially those 
who participate but are not coming from the lexicography domain are 
(understandably) reserved to make decisions for the target user group. 
Within the telcos we are thrown back on either re-explaining  issues 
that have been discussed before to people who were unable to attend 
earlier calls or on collecting arguments for or against modelling 
proposals without reaching any consent.

I do understand that not everybody can attend each and every telco or 
has the time to follow up on what has been worked out so far. However, 
without almost no significant input via e-mail, adding comments to the 
wiki or the minutes documents, I do not see how this module can be 
developed as a community effort. I am missing clear module development 
guidelines and procedures for arriving at decisions.

I am also putting my time and effort into leading the development of 
this module and would like to see reasonable progress accordingly. The 
only way I see to achieve this is by finding a way to arrive at (at 
least preliminary) decisions in order to move on to the next issue. 
Therefore, I propose to work with Google forms that I would prepare and 
send via the mailing list in order to reach consensus on certain topics 
that are necessary prerequisites for modelling questions. Such a poll 
will consist of the outline of the issue under question and a list of 
all proposed solutions with their pros and cons which can be chosen from.

In order to find out what your opinions are regarding this proposal of 
using polls I created a Google Form which I kindly ask you to fill in :)

I am looking forward to your responses.

All the best,


Bettina Klimek
PhD Student
Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig
Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI)
Goerdelerring 9
04109 Leipzig

Research Group:
Events:  12 -17 May 2019 "3rd Summer Datathon on Linguistic Linked Open Data (SD-LLOD 2019)"

          20-22 May 2019 "LDK 2019 – 2nd Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge"

Received on Sunday, 17 March 2019 20:40:08 UTC