- From: Mauro Dragoni <dragoni@fbk.eu>
- Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2019 11:05:33 +0100
- To: undisclosed-recipients:;
- Message-ID: <CAFvSjQuHAVYN9q-KoNi8dAtmJX6t7BWX9BjAJRppWe=+4qbRGQ@mail.gmail.com>
Call For Paper: Fifth International Workshop at ESWC on Sentic Computing, Sentiment Analysis, Opinion mining and Emotion Detection @ ESWC2019 ==================================================================================================== Dates: June 2nd 2019 Venue: Portoroz, Slovenia Hashtag: #SentimentAnalysis Conference Site: https://2019.eswc-conferences.org/ Workshop Site: http://www.maurodragoni.com/research/opinionmining/events/ ==================================================================================================== As the Web rapidly evolves, people are becoming increasingly enthusiastic about interacting, and collaborating through social networks, online communities, blogs, wikis, and the like. In recent years, this collective intelligence has spread to many different areas, with particular focus on fields related to everyday life such as commerce, tourism, education, and health, causing the size of the social Web to expand exponentially. To identify the emotions (e.g. sentiment polarity, sadness, happiness, anger, irony, sarcasm, etc.) and the modality (e.g. doubt, certainty, obligation, liability, desire, etc.) expressed in this continuously growing content is critical to enable the correct interpretation of the opinions expressed or reported about social events, political movements, company strategies, marketing campaigns, product preferences, etc. Existing solutions still have many limitations leaving the challenge of emotions and modality analysis open. Additionally, the joint treatment of modality and emotion is, computationally, trailing behind, and therefore the focus of ongoing, current research. The hybridization of NLP techniques with Semantic Web technologies is a direction that is being explored to overcome such limitations. This workshop aims at addressing the above mentioned challenges by providing a forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss, exchange and disseminate their solutions. The Workshop will be connected to the ESWC 2019 Semantic Sentiment Analysis Challenge at ESWC2019. Both the Workshop and the Challenge can benefit from a Google Group, called Semantic Sentiment Analysis Initiative. Please post messages related to the Workshop under the discussion "ESWC 2019 Workshop on Sentic Computing, Sentiment Analysis, Opinion mining and Emotion Detection." *** Topics of interest *** Includes but not limited to: * Ontologies and knowledge bases for emotion recognition * Topic and entity based emotion recognition * Semantics in the evolution of emotions within and across social media systems and topics * Semantic processing of social media for emotion recognition * Contextualised emotion recognition * Comparison of semantic approaches for emotion recognition * Personalised semantic emotion recognition and monitoring * Using semantics for prediction of emotions towards events, people, organisations, etc. * Baselines and datasets for semantic emotion recognition * Semantics in stream-based emotion recognition * Comparison between semantic and non-semantic approaches for emotion recognition * Multimodal emotion recognition * Multilingual sentiment analysis * Challenges in using semantics for emotion recognition * Retrieval of emotion-based documents from repositories * Deep learning and knowledge-enabled approaches for sentiment analysis * Big Data tools and techniques for sentiment analysis * Applications of sentiment analysis within specific domains (e.g. health, robotics) *** Submissions *** Submission criteria are the following: * Papers must comply with the LNCS style * Full research papers (up to 8-10 pages) * Short research papers (up to 4-6 pages) * Position papers (2 pages) Papers are submitted in PDF format via the workshop's EasyChair submission pages (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=emsasw2019 remember to select the topic Workshop) Accepted papers will be published by CEUR-WS. The best paper (according to the reviewers' rate) will be published within the main conference proceedings. At least one of the authors of the accepted papers must register for the workshop (pre-conference only option) to be included into the workshop proceedings. *** Important dates *** March 1, 2019, 23:59 CET: Full, Short, and Position papers submission deadline March 29, 2019, 23:59 CET: Notification of acceptance April 12, 2019, 23:59 CET: Camera-ready paper due June 2, 2019: ESWC 2019 Workshop day *** Workshop Chairs *** Mauro Dragoni Diego Reforgiato Recupero -- Dr. Mauro Dragoni Researcher at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK-IRST) Via Sommarive 18, 38123, Povo, Trento, Italy Tel. 0461-314053 ######################################## Consider to submit a contribution to the Knowledge and Language Processing track @ ACM SAC 2019 https://klp.fbk.eu <https://coco.fbk.eu/sac2018/> Limassol, Cyprus, April 8-12, 2019 ######################################## -- -- Le informazioni contenute nella presente comunicazione sono di natura privata e come tali sono da considerarsi riservate ed indirizzate esclusivamente ai destinatari indicati e per le finalità strettamente legate al relativo contenuto. Se avete ricevuto questo messaggio per errore, vi preghiamo di eliminarlo e di inviare una comunicazione all’indirizzo e-mail del mittente. -- The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material.
Received on Wednesday, 2 January 2019 10:06:32 UTC