OntoLex minutes 26/3

Hi all,

These are the minutes from today's telco:


Present: Julia, John, Ilan, Fahad, Jorge, Francesca
Discussion of intensional vs extensional modelling
AP John: modelling example for manners. Issue 1
AP Katrien: modelling example using extensional modelling
Issue 3 insufficient data. CLOSE
Issue 4: why link to lexical entries?
John: Two properties describes sense/entry?
Francesca: why link to senses? Julia: better resembles dictionary entry
Suggest a new property linking dictionary entry component to lexical entry.
Better models dictionary entry
Why "describes"? Julia : from CSV table
- describesEntry/describesSense
- Specify entry and describe sense?
- use as working names?
Fahad: why not have a super-entry as name of dictionary entry? (as in TEI)
- can include homograph in a dictionary entry? Julia: yes
- super-entry as name for dictionary entry? Is the name confusing: lexical
vs dictionary entry.
- Ilan: dictionary in the name is confusing
Number of "dictionary entries" overall is important commercially but not
Dictionary entry to be used only when needed? Julia: this may be clearer if
it is called super entry.
Does counting dictionary entries just give the number of entries in the
Ilan: dictionary publishers are vague about what an entry is

Add property between dictionary entry and lexical entry
Dictionary entries could be renamed to sub entry
Dictionary entries to be used only when needed
Dictentry also points to lexical entry

Lexical entry is a subclass of dictionary entry?
- follows precedent of synsem
- sometimes lexical entry and dictionary entry are the same thing.

Received on Monday, 26 March 2018 12:07:10 UTC