[CFP] Special Issue on "Applied Cognitive Computing: Challenges, Approaches, and Real-World Experiences" on Progress in Artificial Intelligence Journal

Apologize for multiple posting.

==== Special Issue on "Applied Cognitive Computing: Challenges, Approaches,
and Real-World
Experiences" on Progress in Artificial Intelligence Journal - Call for
Paper ====

Journal website:
Call for Paper website: https://coco.fbk.eu/si-prai-2018/

*** Aim & Scope ***
Cognitive Computing investigates the development of self-learning systems,
that naturally interact with humans in complex environments, and are
capable to adapt to context and changes in language and meaning. These
systems mimic the human mind processes, elaborating huge amounts of data,
finding correlations, testing hypotheses, making predictions and
inferences, drawing conclusions, and so on. This is an extremely
interdisciplinary emerging research area, at the core of Artificial
Intelligence, combining and complementing the scientific results from
various disciplines, such as Natural Language Processing, Knowledge
Representation and Reasoning, Audio and Video Analysis, Computer-Human
Interaction, Neuroscience, and so on.

In this Special Issue we aim to attract research contributions describing
uses of cognitive computing techniques in concrete scenarios, by
highlighting why these techniques demonstrated their suitability and which
are the challenges they solved. Topics of interest include Cognitive
Knowledge Acquisition, Representing, Formalizing and Reasoning with
Cognitive Knowledge, Development of Cognitive Systems, Real-world
applications that exploit Cognitive Knowledge, with a particular attention
on the Deployment of Cognitive Systems in challenging domains.

The content of the Special Issue aims to provide the reader with a
comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the challenges, approaches and
applications of cognitive techniques in concrete, real-world settings.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Frameworks, Tools and Methodologies for acquiring Cognitive Knowledge
- Natural Language Processing for Cognitive Knowledge acquisition
- Multimodal (e.g., text, audio, video, images) Cognitive Systems
- Machine Learning techniques (e.g., Deep Learning) for Cognitive Systems
- Representing, Formalizing and Reasoning with Cognitive Knowledge (e.g.,
Ontologies for Cognitive Systems)
- Architectures for Cognitive Systems and their Scalability
- Real-world applications that exploit Cognitive Knowledge
- Deployment of Cognitive Systems in specific domains (e.g., Humanities,
Health, Social Media, Life Sciences)

*** Submission sites: ***
Submissions are available at PRAI Editorial Manager website. (
Please select "S.I. : Applied Cognitive Computing" during the submission
Follow the "Instructions for authors" on the journal web-site for preparing
your submission.

This special issue welcomes original high-quality contributions that have
been neither published in nor submitted to any journals or refereed
Extended versions of conference papers should include at least 30% of new

*** Important Dates ***
January  31, 2018: Submissions Deadline
April    15, 2018: First notification of acceptance
May      31, 2018: Submission of revised papers
June     30, 2018: Final notification to the authors
July     15, 2018: Submission of final/camera-ready papers
Autumn       2018: Publication of special issue

*** Guest Editors ***
Mauro Dragoni, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) ­ dragoni@fbk.eu
Marco Rospocher, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) ­ rospocher@fbk.eu

*** General Inquiries ***
For further information, please feel free to contact the Guest Editors.

Dr. Mauro Dragoni
Researcher at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK-IRST)
Via Sommarive 18, 38123, Povo, Trento, Italy
Tel. 0461-314053

Consider attending the
Cognitive Computing track @ ACM SAC 2018
Pau, France, April 9-13, 2018

Received on Thursday, 23 November 2017 14:49:59 UTC