Re: Teleconference tomorrow

Hi everyone,
this is just to say that unfortunately I'm teaching on tuesday afternoon
until the end of this academic year (2018).

I feel a bit bad about not being able to attend the calls, given that the
work the group is doing on the PL examples will be so useful for our
project here in Montpellier; at the same time the Tuesday afternoon slot is
convenient for so many and I understand it would be hard to change.

I will follow the proceedings via the wiki and the shared doc, and please
do not hesitate to ask for more examples and for feedback from my part.

All the best,

2017-11-06 20:40 GMT+01:00 Philipp Cimiano <>

> Dear all,
>   this is to announce that we will have the next ontolex telefonference
> tomorrow at 14:00 CET as usual. I will have to leave the telco at 14:30
> however due to other commitments.
> What I would like to discuss tomorrow is:
> 1) Recap of discussion on using lexical senses to model "dictionary
> senses", summary of pro and cons
> 2) Roadmap / next steps to reach a decision
> >From my side, the next telco will have then to be on the 28th of November.
> Kind regards,
> Philipp.
> --
> --
> Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
> AG Semantic Computing
> Exzellenzcluster für Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
> Universität Bielefeld
> Tel: +49 521 106 12249
> Fax: +49 521 106 6560
> Mail:
> Office CITEC-2.307
> Universitätsstr. 21-25
> 33615 Bielefeld, NRW
> Germany

Received on Monday, 13 November 2017 15:18:16 UTC