discussion on lime

Dear all,

  this is to announce that we need to postpone the schedule for 
finalization of ontolex a bit. Due to some conflicts, we need to 
postpone the discussion of the lime module until July 10th.

The discussion on the final model will be done on the 17th of July.

Kind regards,


Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
AG Semantic Computing
Exzellenzcluster für Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
Universität Bielefeld

Tel: +49 521 106 12249
Fax: +49 521 106 6560
Mail: cimiano@cit-ec.uni-bielefeld.de

Office CITEC-2.307
Universitätsstr. 21-25
33615 Bielefeld, NRW

Received on Monday, 29 June 2015 18:45:38 UTC