Re: Reminder, telco today on decomposition module

Hi Philipp, All

Here are my comments on the Synsem module. The comments on decomp will
follow in the next days.


In the diagram, the association named "subframe" should be applied to
SemanticFrame rather than to sense. The same holds true for the property


In the wiki, it is mostly used the property name synBehaviour, despite in
the definition box it appears as synBehavior. In the ontology, the property
is named synBehavior with a label equal to "syntactic behaviour".

I do not have a strict opinion on which orthography to use, but I am
surprised that the (human readable) name and the label use two different


Just above the definition box of synArg, there is the following sentence:

"The object property synArg is used to relate a (syntactic) frame to one of
its (syntactic) arguments."

I would avoid the use of parenthesis around the word syntactic, and instead
write "syntactic frame".


In the definition box of Class: Syntactic Argument and Class: Syntactic
Argument, should there be a superclass Argument? (at least it is present in
the ontology)


In the definition box of Class: Semantic Frame, the axiom should use
instead of Argument


Concerning Example synsem/example3, I would make it explicit the fact that
the binding between the syntactic and semantic arguments is realized by
unifying them.


In Example synsem/example7, you use rdfs:subProperty, while the correct one
is rdfs:subPropertyOf.

the the semantic argument giving_event seems unbound. Is this a case in
which we should use the property isA?


I would expand the description of Example synsem/example8, to indicate the
function of synsem:isA. Also, if I am right on the previous point, I think
that there is a slight difference between the use of isA in this example
and its use in example 7.


In the wiki you use "*X ∈ ∃inverse father.Thing"*. Although it is probably
a bad name, I would write a perhaps clearer "*X ∈ ∃ fatherOf.Thing*".
However, I am not sure.


Do we want to add an example for symsem:isA? Maybe we can expand the
example in the table:

Class Unary predicate City(x), ?x rdf:type dbpedia-owl:City


If we want to represent an event verb, we can take the example from the BIO

2015-06-09 7:20 GMT+02:00 Philipp Cimiano <>:

>  Dear all (there were two crucial typos in my email from yesterday ;-)
> I have *now* completely *updated* the synsem and decomp modules according
> to what we have discussed in the last three weeks. I have synchronized the
> description in the wiki with the ontologies and the examples.
> Here are a few todos:
> 1) All: please check that the points you have raised recently have been
> considered to a satisfactory extent; let me know otherwise.
> 2) Fahad: please check the new examples for the synsem module. Are they
> better?
> 3) Lupe/Elena/Manuel (not Armando): please check the examples in the
> decomp section. Do they solve the issues we discussed? Let me know please.
> John and me are still working on some specific examples...
> Kind regards,
> Philipp.
> Am 08.06.15 um 22:44 schrieb Philipp Cimiano:
> Dear all,
>  I have not completely updates the synsem and decomp modules according to
> what we have discussed in the last three weeks. I have synchronized the
> description in the wiki with the ontologies and the examples.
> Here are a few todos:
> 1) All: please check the the points you have raised recently have been
> considered to a satisfactory extent; let me know otherwise.
> 2) Fahad: please check the new examples for the synsem module. Are they
> better?
> 3) Lupe/Elena/Armando: please check the examples in the decomp section. Do
> they solve the issues we discussed? Let me know please.
> John and me are still working on some specific examples...
> Kind regards,
> Philipp.
> Am 02.06.15 um 10:53 schrieb John P. McCrae:
>  Yes I think you are right, we should expand the description of subterm
> as it is the preferred primary mechanism of relating terms
>  Regards,
>  John
> On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 3:07 PM, Elena Montiel Ponsoda <
> > wrote:
>>  Philipp,
>> I know it is too late for this, but Lupe and I were having a look at the
>> model, and we are struck by the following doubt:
>> What is the benefit of having the property subterm pointing to another
>> LexicalEntry? What is it that you can say with that property that cannot be
>> said with Components??
>> In the paragraph below you talk about the limitations of subterm, but you
>> do not say what the benefits of having it are, or what you can represent
>> with that property that cannot be represented by Components, etc.
>> "The use of the property *subterm* has two limitations. First, we can
>> not indicate inflectional properties of the lexical entry when appearing as
>> a subterm of another term. Further and most importantly we can not indicate
>> the order of subterms within a compound lexical entry. For this, the model
>> defines the the class Component, which represents a part of a lexical entry
>> and allows to add additional information describing the use of the lexical
>> entry in a compound. A component is declared as a subclass of rdf:sequence
>> as it can be understood as an ordered list of sub-components."
>> We think that an explanation on this sense is needed.
>> Talk to you in a minute!
>> Best,
>> Elena.
>> El 29/05/2015 a las 10:48, Philipp Cimiano escribió:
>> Dear all,
>>  this is a gentle reminder for our telco on the decomposition module
>> today at 16:00 CET.
>> Access details can be found here:
>> I have added to the agenda all points raised by Manuel (thanks Manuel!).
>> I have not received any other issues to discuss.
>> Kind regards,
>> Philipp.
> --
> --
> Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
> AG Semantic Computing
> Exzellenzcluster für Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
> Universität Bielefeld
> Tel: +49 521 106 12249
> Fax: +49 521 106 6560
> Mail:
> Office CITEC-2.307
> Universitätsstr. 21-25
> 33615 Bielefeld, NRW
> Germany
> --
> --
> Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
> AG Semantic Computing
> Exzellenzcluster für Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
> Universität Bielefeld
> Tel: +49 521 106 12249
> Fax: +49 521 106 6560
> Mail:
> Office CITEC-2.307
> Universitätsstr. 21-25
> 33615 Bielefeld, NRW
> Germany

Manuel Fiorelli

Received on Tuesday, 9 June 2015 12:57:23 UTC