[SenticNet] CFP: 4th KDD Workshop on Issues of Sentiment Discovery and Opinion Mining (WISDOM), August 2015, Sydney

Apologies for cross-posting,

Submissions are invited to the 4th KDD Workshop on Issues of Sentiment Discovery
and Opinion Mining (WISDOM) to be held at KDD'15 this August in Sydney. For more
information, please visit http://sentic.net/wisdom

WISDOM aims to explore how the wisdom of the crowds is affecting (and will
affect) the evolution of the Web and of businesses gravitating around it. In
particular, the workshop series explores two different stages of sentiment
analysis: the former focusing on the identification of opinionated text over the
Web, the latter focusing on the classification of such text either in terms of
polarity detection or emotion recognition.

WISDOM aims to provide an international forum for researchers in the field of
machine learning for opinion mining and sentiment analysis to share information
on their latest investigations in social information retrieval and their
applications both in academic research areas and industrial sectors. The broader
context of the workshop comprehends opinion mining, social media marketing,
information retrieval, and natural language processing. Topics of interest
include but are not limited to:
• Endogenous NLP for sentiment analysis
• Sentiment learning algorithms
• Semantic multi-dimensional scaling for sentiment analysis
• Big social data analysis
• Opinion retrieval, extraction, classification, tracking and summarization
• Domain adaptation for sentiment classification
• Time evolving sentiment analysis
• Emotion detection
• Concept-level sentiment analysis
• Topic modeling for aspect-based opinion mining
• Multimodal sentiment analysis
• Sentiment pattern mining
• Affective knowledge acquisition for sentiment analysis
• Biologically-inspired opinion mining
• Content-, concept-, and context-based sentiment analysis

• June 5th, 2015: Submission deadline
• June 30th, 2015: Notification of acceptance
• July 15th, 2015: Final manuscripts due
• August 10th, 2015: Workshop date

• Yongzheng Zhang, LinkedIn Inc. (USA)
• Erik Cambria, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
• Yunqing Xia, Microsoft Research Asia (China)
• Bing Liu, University of Illinois at Chicago (USA)

Received on Tuesday, 28 April 2015 01:35:10 UTC