Call for Position Statements on the Multilingual Semantic Web Workshop at ESWC 2015

Call for Position Statements on the Multilingual Semantic Web

4rd Workshop on the Multilingual Semantic Web (MSW4) at the 12th Extended
Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2015), Portoroz, Slovenia, 1st June 2015

We invite position Statements on strategies for, challenges in:
- multilingual Semantic Web and Linked Data use-cases
- multilingual content analytics on the Web
- linguistic linked (open) data
- cross-lingual information access, search and retrieval
- NLP and machine learning approaches for the Semantic Web and Linked Data
- terminology and linguistic resource development in a Linked Data context
- integration and mapping of heterogeneous Linked Data
- linguistic and semantic annotation in a Semantic Web and Linked Data

Please send your position statement (LNCS format, PDF, maximum 5 pages)
before May 1st to the organisers (see email below)

Selected position statements will be given a 15 min slot at the MSW4
workshop and will be published in a special section of the Workshop's
proceedings. Notification of acceptance will be sent by 8th May.

MSW4 Organizing Committee:

Jorge Gracia (, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid  (UPM),
John P. McCrae ( Bielefeld University,
Gabriela Vulcu ( Insight Centre for Data
Analytics, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland

Received on Wednesday, 8 April 2015 09:40:11 UTC