Re: synsem module

Hi, all

After the teleconference last Friday I kept on thinking on other 
possible examples to illustrate the synsem frame and the thematic roles 
implied in each.
Although Example 11, sent by Phillip is quite clear, I think, I suggest 
two possible ones that have different thematic roles participating 
according to the senses in Framenet: preserving and removing, and their 
linguistic realizations.

Just food for thought !!!

"See" you next Friday.

Best regards


verbs  El 05/09/2014 22:48, Philipp Cimiano escribió:
> Hi Francesca, all,
>  we discussed these points during the telco today. See my comments 
> below...
> Have a good weekend,
> Philipp.
> Am 05.09.14 14:03, schrieb Francesca Frontini:
>> Dear Philip, all,
>> i've looked into the example and there are three main points that 
>> should be looked into, from my part:
>> 1) the synsemFrame here is one for sell and buy, as in Philipps first 
>> example; following mine and Fahad's alternative example, could one 
>> also represent two synsemFrame objects, one for sell and one for buy, 
>> linked to the same ontological object? or would that force us to have 
>> two ontological events too?
> Yes, of course, there is some absolute flexibility here. One can use 
> two different frames for sell and buy, referring to two different 
> concepts or two frames pointing to one concept or one frame.
>> 2) the synsemFrame is linked to the lexicalEntry, with (if im not 
>> mistaken) no direct or indirect connection to the sense.  This feels 
>> a bit wrong to me; when a verb has more than one sense, you want to 
>> be able to match correctly; couldn't one make it a property of the 
>> sense instead?
> Well, for sure there should be a link from the frame to the sense.
>> 3) the thematic roles are on the synbehavior. I think that, 
>> especially for intransitive verbs one can think of cases where the 
>> subject may have different roles (in one case agent and in the other 
>> something else, like Force or Natural Cause, in some inventories). 
>> Intuitively, "John_agent destroyed the house_patient" and "The 
>> avalanche_cause destroyed the house_patient" have the same 
>> synbehavior, but  may correspond to a different sense and a different 
>> ontological event, have different selectional preferences and 
>> thematic role. How would one deal with this? Generally speaking 
>> Thematic Roles are considered at the interface of syntax and 
>> semantics rather than a syntactic phenomenon; hypothesis: couldn't 
>> they somewhat be linked to the synsem:argBinding?
> This is a good question indeed. The main issue is whether you assume 
> that the two uses of destroy you cite above correspond to one Frame or 
> not.
> In any case, we discussed during the telco today that in LMF they 
> would be modelled as two different PredicativeRepresentations. In this 
> case, using the mechnisms to reifiy argument bindings 
> (synSemCorrespondence and synSemArgMapping) one can assign different 
> thematic roles to the subject position.
> In any case, I have attached a new example (example11.ttl) that shows 
> how to capture your example using the standard mechanisms in 
> ontolex.owl and synsem.owl (without frames as used in my recent 
> examples). Maybe we can start from there to analyze if you see any 
> shortcomings in the modeling.
> One coneptual drawback I see is that to capture the different frames, 
> two different sense object would be needed in order to capture that in 
> one sense the subject expresses the destroyer while in the other case 
> the subject expresses the cause of destroyment.
> Note that in my example I have attached the thematic role to the 
> subsense which in some sense realizes the synsem arg mapping for a 
> particular frame element of a frame so to speak.
> I hope that this makes sense to you.
> However, it is certainly questionable that two senses (with four 
> subsenses) are needed, while both uses of "destroy" seem to correspond 
> to the same sense, I agree. This might indeed call for introducing 
> something like a SemanticPredicate that is related to the sense. In 
> the case above we could thus have one sense but two semantic predicates.
>> Hope I can be there this afternoon, otherwise i'll read you from the 
>> thread.
>> Cheers from Paris,
>> Francesca
>> 2014-09-04 17:04 GMT+02:00 Fahad Khan < 
>> <>>:
>>     Dear Philipp and list,
>>     Thanks for the example, I will go through it this afternoon.
>>     Francesca has told me she probably won't be able to make it
>>     tomorrow, but, unexpected circumstances aside, I will be there.
>>     Cheers,
>>     Fahad
>>     On 4 September 2014 14:04, Philipp Cimiano
>>     <
>>     <>> wrote:
>>         Hi Fahad, Francesca, all,
>>          I attach a new version of example10.ttl (see also GIT).
>>         I have tried to merge the proposals of Fahad/Francesca with
>>         my proposal at the same time trying to remain as compact as
>>         possible.
>>         It would be great if we could discuss this example at the
>>         telco tomorrow.
>>         In particular, I would like to know whether these is any
>>         information that was in your example (Fahad and Francesca)
>>         that is not in mine.
>>         I will send out access details for the telco in a few minutes.
>>         Talk to you tomorrow.
>>         Philipp.
>>         Am 29.08.14 11:35, schrieb Fahad Khan:
>>>         Hi everyone
>>>         Here are a few responses to John and Philipp’s comments.
>>>         Hopefully we can discuss these further in the call and
>>>         afterwards in the list too. One thing I would like to point
>>>         out at the start is that even though the emails are being
>>>         sent out under my (Fahad’s) name and I’m doing the majority
>>>         of the typing most of the work on the model is Francesca’s.
>>>         Hopefully in the call today most of the explanation will be
>>>         her's too:)
>>>         Our main motivation here is our resistance to stripping all
>>>         semantics from the lexicon part especially with respect to
>>>         the conversion of legacy resources. In principle we agree
>>>         with a lot of John &  Philipp’s remarks that go in the
>>>         direction of preserving semantics by reference. But it is
>>>         difficult to see how this impacts us, as people who have a
>>>         legacy resource (such as Parole Simple Clips) and want to
>>>         use the ontolex model to publish it.
>>>         Practically speaking we don’t know what to do with the PSC
>>>         semantic layer. On the one hand Philip reminds us that
>>>         Ontolex deals primarily with "given" ontologies. That leaves
>>>         our semantic layer out. As you know we have tried to be
>>>         faithful to the idea of semantics by reference in converting
>>>         PSC using lemon; but we also wanted to publish all the
>>>         semantics of PSC; this forced us to create a new ontological
>>>         level to accommodate our semantic layer.
>>>         But this to be honest is not really a well formed ontology,
>>>         and can hardly be pointed to by other lexicons (other
>>>         languages...) without a lot of manual checking. This is not
>>>         what we want... we want ontologies that are reusable even
>>>         independently from the original lexicon.
>>>         Our concern is that people with a legacy resource, are just
>>>         going to choose the easy way, use the "lexical" basics of
>>>         the model, like the lexical entry, the canonical form....
>>>         and then add/define their semantic stuff on top of it, as an
>>>         extension to the lexical model, that is without using
>>>         "reference" to an ontology. Basically they'll add their
>>>         semantic layer the way they want it.
>>>         Nevertheless, for the sake of the argument, why don't we
>>>         take a resource of some complexity and try to see how it
>>>         accomodates in your best model in a way that is really
>>>         faithful to the ontolex philosophy, and at the same time
>>>         leaving as little information out as possible.
>>>         We are thinking of completing Parole Simple Clips, as a test
>>>         case for this, but it's a big beast. We have started to do
>>>         this, but when you tackle the verbs and the predicates, it's
>>>         even more complex. Maybe this will give us an idea of how
>>>         much adjustment legacy resources would require to be
>>>         faithful to the "semantics by reference"  model, and how
>>>         reusable the stuff that ends up on the ontological side.
>>>         Cheers,
>>>         Fahad & Francesca
>>>         On 29 August 2014 08:34, Philipp Cimiano
>>>         <
>>>         <>> wrote:
>>>             Dear Fahad, all,
>>>              I finally had the chance to look at your proposal in
>>>             more detail, I think it is more in line than we might
>>>             expect at first sight with the example that I provided a
>>>             few weeks ago. I attach the example again for the sake
>>>             of easier reference. In particular, I think that:
>>>             1) The *PredicativeRepresentation*s you are proposing
>>>             corresponds to the *SemanticFrame*s that I was
>>>             proposing. It sort of represents "the complex predicate
>>>             expressed by a lexical entry", where the atomic parts
>>>             come from a given ontology. Our proposals differ in that
>>>             I was attaching the SemanticFrames to the
>>>             SyntacticBehaviour via the relation "semFrame", then
>>>             linking the frame to the sense. However, we can of
>>>             course link the "sense" to the Frame as you propose and
>>>             then link the Frame to the corresponding syntactic
>>>             behaviour. Both are fine from my side. If you think your
>>>             modelling here is better, then I have no problem in
>>>             endorsing it.
>>>             2) As John mentioned, our building assumption is that
>>>             predicates per se are *only* in the ontology. In this
>>>             sense, the first decision to make is whether sell and
>>>             buy denote the same concept in the ontology (lemon and
>>>             myself are agnostic in this respect, this is a
>>>             conceptual decision to make). The different perspectives
>>>             you mention could be modelled by the SemanticFrame class
>>>             that I was proposing, with different mappings between
>>>             syntactic and semantic arguments. Information about
>>>             semantic roles can be attached as annotations, that's
>>>             not a problem. Further, the ontolex model allows you to
>>>             have two different senses for sell and buy that
>>>             nevertheless link to the same ontological class/predicate.
>>>             3) Note that ontolex was used to interface a lexicon
>>>             with a given (domain) ontology, not a linguistic
>>>             ontology. Agent / Themes / Beneficiary are linguistic
>>>             roles rather than roles/relations that would appear in a
>>>             (domain) ontology. As John mentions we can attach these
>>>             roles to the syntactic arguments without a problem.
>>>             Let's discuss this further today. I will then try to
>>>             create a new example that unifies both proposals, mine
>>>             and Fahads.
>>>             talk to you later,
>>>             Philipp.
>>>             Am 28.08.14 15:01, schrieb John P. McCrae:
>>>>             Hi,
>>>>             On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 2:10 PM, Fahad Khan
>>>>             < <>>
>>>>             wrote:
>>>>                 Dear John,
>>>>                 Thanks for your comments.
>>>>                 We partly agree on your points, especially about
>>>>                 the redundancy of some modules. We want to use this
>>>>                 LMF style treatment as a starting point for further
>>>>                 discussion.
>>>>                 As for the the use of reference for selectional
>>>>                 preferences we can see your point (maybe instead we
>>>>                 can use a different relation such as "domain"
>>>>                 instead of "reference").
>>>>                 What we're still not sure about is the fact that
>>>>                 predicates should only be in the ontology: where
>>>>                 the ontology in this case represents the extensions
>>>>                 of lexical items. The problem we have is that for
>>>>                 example, one can understand the senses of "buy" and
>>>>                 "sell" in this example to represent two different
>>>>                 predicates but just one class of "actions" (e.g.,
>>>>                 purchase_exchange_actions): where the predicate
>>>>                 represents a different "linguistically" motivated
>>>>                 way of looking at the same class of events.
>>>>                 If you want to make "buy" and "sell" one predicate
>>>>                 as in the Ontolex example that was given earlier
>>>>                 on, i see practical as well as theoretical
>>>>                 problems. Practically, you force all those who have
>>>>                 two predicates in their resource to go and check
>>>>                 which should be merged.
>>>>             The question of whether to model buy and sell as a
>>>>             single event or as two events that entail each other is
>>>>             an interesting question in general, but it is a
>>>>             conceptual modelling issue, rather than a lexical
>>>>             issue. As long as the lexicon can capture how each
>>>>             entry interfaces with predicates defined in the
>>>>             ontology, such details of the lexical modelling should
>>>>             not matter. It is also unavoidable that when dealing
>>>>             with legacy resources, some work will be needed to
>>>>             harmonize with any defined OntoLex model.
>>>>                 Also, what about semantic role labeling? the first
>>>>                 argument of the sell predicate is an agent
>>>>                 according to PSC. So is the first argument of the
>>>>                 buy predicate.  It is because the same action is
>>>>                 conceptualized in different ways in language. But
>>>>                 on the ontological level, these different roles
>>>>                 point to the same participant in the action (eg.
>>>>                 The buyer is beneficiary in one case and agent in
>>>>                 another).
>>>>                 Overall it seems to us there exists information
>>>>                 related to semantic predicates (as they are used in
>>>>                 lexical resources we know) which seems to pertain
>>>>                 more to word use, and to the linguistic rather than
>>>>                 to the ontological level. But, we think this would
>>>>                 a good matter for discussion.
>>>>             Such linguistic features can be captured by annotations
>>>>             on the arguments as required.
>>>>                 As for the SynSemCorrespondence, indeed it is
>>>>                 verbose to implement, but consider also that
>>>>                 instead of having to laboriously map lots of
>>>>                 individual cases of syntactic and semantic
>>>>                 arguments you can just define a reified object that
>>>>                 represents without redundancy a whole class of such
>>>>                 mappings. For instance in Parole Simple Clips,
>>>>                 you'd have thousands of instances all pointing to
>>>>                 one class of mappings, such as IsoTrivalent, or
>>>>                 IsoBivalent. The synsemcorrespondence object
>>>>                 enables you to do this.
>>>>             As I said, the merging of the syntactic and semantic
>>>>             arguments as proposed by /lemon/ is maximally efficient
>>>>             as it requires no extra triples, it also has several
>>>>             other advantages, most notably it is easier to query
>>>>             and work with.
>>>>             Regards,
>>>>             John
>>>>                 Cheers,
>>>>                 Francesca + Fahad
>>>>                 On 28 August 2014 12:19, John P. McCrae
>>>>                 <
>>>>                 <>> wrote:
>>>>                     Hi Fahad, Francesca, all,
>>>>                     I will not be at the telco tomorrow due to
>>>>                     being busy at Coling, but I will provide some
>>>>                     comments on the proposal
>>>>                       * 'Predicates' should not be included in the
>>>>                         modelling of SynSem, as predicates are
>>>>                         something clearly defined by the ontology.
>>>>                         A duplicate mechanism for semantics is not
>>>>                         needed in lemon/OntoLex as we have a good
>>>>                         semantic model (OWL) in contrast to a pure
>>>>                         lexicon model like LMF, which must define
>>>>                         its own semantic model.
>>>>                       * I still have no clue what a 'predicative
>>>>                         representation' is... it seems entirely
>>>>                         unnecessary in LMF, but perhaps I am wrong
>>>>                         here?
>>>>                       * Arguments cannot have references to an
>>>>                         ontology, they represent slots that should
>>>>                         be filled in the logical representation
>>>>                         defined by the ontology. The proposal here
>>>>                         seems to confuse references with domains
>>>>                         (that is the class of object referenced by
>>>>                         the argument rather than the actual values
>>>>                         referred to by the argument, when the frame
>>>>                         is realized).
>>>>                       * The SynSemCorrespondence object from LMF is
>>>>                         frankly verbose and unnecessarily so, it
>>>>                         occupies 14 triples in your proposal, where
>>>>                         as direct linking of semantic and syntactic
>>>>                         arguments would take only 3 triples, and
>>>>                         URI reuse as in /lemon/ requires 0 triples!
>>>>                         Is there any justification for this complex
>>>>                         and verbose modelling?
>>>>                     Regards,
>>>>                     John
>>>>                     On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 4:06 PM, Fahad Khan
>>>>                     <
>>>>                     <>> wrote:
>>>>                         Dear Philipp
>>>>                         We've tried to put our money where our
>>>>                         mouth is so here is a rough and ready
>>>>                         version in RDF of the buy/sell example  as
>>>>                         well as a diagram of part of the example,
>>>>                         as inspired by a more LMF type aproach:
>>>>                         Cheers,
>>>>                         Fahad & Francesca
>>>>                         On 22 August 2014 10:37, Fahad Khan
>>>>                         <
>>>>                         <>> wrote:
>>>>                             Dear Philipp,
>>>>                             Sorry for the delay in responding, we
>>>>                             have been on holiday too the last
>>>>                             couple of weeks.  We were planning to
>>>>                             send something to the list before we
>>>>                             went away, but it turns out the
>>>>                             translation was harder to do than we
>>>>                             thought (and our collective knowledge
>>>>                             of lmf less comprehensive) and we
>>>>                             weren't entirely happy with what we
>>>>                             came up with. However we will send you
>>>>                             a slightly polished version of our
>>>>                             proposed example next week before the
>>>>                             telco -- after having hopefully
>>>>                             discussed it with colleagues far more
>>>>                             well versed in lmf than us.
>>>>                             Cheers
>>>>                             Fahad and Francesca
>>>>                             Dear all,
>>>>                                I returned from holidays end of last
>>>>                             week. Given that some people are still
>>>>                             on holidays, I propose we have our next
>>>>                             telco on Friday 29th at the regular
>>>>                             slot, i.e. 15:00 (CET). I will send out
>>>>                             an announcement soon.
>>>>                             @Fahad and Francesca: regarding our
>>>>                             email thread before the holidays, would
>>>>                             you please be so kind to send an
>>>>                             example of the modelling of frames that
>>>>                             is in your view appropriate, an LMF
>>>>                             document would be fine for now so that
>>>>                             we can study the LMF modelling in more
>>>>                             detail in the next telco and then
>>>>                             propose appropriate vocabulary elements
>>>>                             in the synsem module to do the job.
>>>>                             Starting from LMF seems a good idea to
>>>>                             me as I mentione a few weeks ago.
>>>>                             I will continue working with the
>>>>                             vartrans and metadata modules from next
>>>>                             week on until we receive the input form
>>>>                             Fahad and Francesca to continue the
>>>>                             work on the synsem module.
>>>>                             I regard the ontolex and decomp modules
>>>>                             as largely finished. Please check the
>>>>                             ontologies and examples carefully so
>>>>                             that we can soon agree to release them.
>>>>                             Looking forward to continuing with our
>>>>                             work.
>>>>                             Best regards,
>>>>                             Philipp.
>>>>                             Am 02.08.14 18:46, schrieb Manuel Fiorelli:
>>>>>                             Hi Philipp, All
>>>>>                             sorry for the delayed response, which
>>>>>                             is in fact quite simple.  See below.
>>>>>                             2014-08-01 11:53 GMT+02:00 Philipp
>>>>>                             Cimiano
>>>>>                             <
>>>>>                             <>>:
>>>>>                                 Am 01.08.14 00:10, schrieb Manuel
>>>>>                                 Fiorelli:
>>>>>>                                 My objection is that you split
>>>>>>                                 the description of the semantic
>>>>>>                                 frame into two blocks. In each
>>>>>>                                 block, you associated the frame
>>>>>>                                 with subframes, each one
>>>>>>                                 associating a semantic role with
>>>>>>                                 a syntactic argument. Having
>>>>>>                                 these two blocks, I can easily
>>>>>>                                 understand that the semantic
>>>>>>                                 frame has three roles, which maps
>>>>>>                                 to the syntactic arguments.
>>>>>>                                 Conversely, it I consider these
>>>>>>                                 two blocks together, as they are
>>>>>>                                 in reality, then I am not sure I
>>>>>>                                 can easily spot the "shape" of
>>>>>>                                 the semantic frame.
>>>>>                                 Yes, that is the only objection I
>>>>>                                 can see so far as well. Let's give
>>>>>                                 a deeper look at this after the
>>>>>                                 holidays, ok?
>>>>>                             I used the word "objection", which is
>>>>>                             quite a strong word. Maybe
>>>>>                             "observation" would have been a better
>>>>>                             choice. Nevertheless, I agree with you
>>>>>                             that we can continue the discussion
>>>>>                             after the holidays.
>>>>>                             Meanwhile, happy holidays to everybody
>>>>>                             listening to this thread, and the rest
>>>>>                             of the OntoLex community :-D
>>>>                             -- 
>>>>                             --
>>>>                             Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
>>>>                             AG Semantic Computing
>>>>                             Exzellenzcluster für Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
>>>>                             Universität Bielefeld
>>>>                             Tel:+49 521 106 12249  <tel:%2B49%20521%20106%2012249>
>>>>                             Fax:+49 521 106 6560  <tel:%2B49%20521%20106%206560>
>>>>                     <>
>>>>                             Office CITEC-2.307
>>>>                             Universitätsstr. 21-25
>>>>                             33615 Bielefeld, NRW
>>>>                             Germany
>>>             -- 
>>>             --
>>>             Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
>>>             AG Semantic Computing
>>>             Exzellenzcluster für Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
>>>             Universität Bielefeld
>>>             Tel:+49 521 106 12249  <tel:%2B49%20521%20106%2012249>
>>>             Fax:+49 521 106 6560  <tel:%2B49%20521%20106%206560>
>>>     <>
>>>             Office CITEC-2.307
>>>             Universitätsstr. 21-25
>>>             33615 Bielefeld, NRW
>>>             Germany
>>         -- 
>>         --
>>         Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
>>         AG Semantic Computing
>>         Exzellenzcluster für Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
>>         Universität Bielefeld
>>         Tel:+49 521 106 12249  <tel:%2B49%20521%20106%2012249>
>>         Fax:+49 521 106 6560  <tel:%2B49%20521%20106%206560>
>>  <>
>>         Office CITEC-2.307
>>         Universitätsstr. 21-25
>>         33615 Bielefeld, NRW
>>         Germany
> -- 
> --
> Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
> AG Semantic Computing
> Exzellenzcluster für Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
> Universität Bielefeld
> Tel: +49 521 106 12249
> Fax: +49 521 106 6560
> Office CITEC-2.307
> Universitätsstr. 21-25
> 33615 Bielefeld, NRW
> Germany

Guadalupe Aguado de Cea
Departamento de Lingüística Aplicada
Miembro del Ontology Engineering Group -OEG
Facultad de Informática
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Campus de Montegancedo, sn
28660, Boadilla del Monte, Spain

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Telef.: 34-91-3367415

Received on Monday, 8 September 2014 13:46:57 UTC