Re: LIME proposal for the OntoLex W3C Community Group

Dear Armando, Philipp, John, all,

see my comments below.

2014-03-08 5:06 GMT+01:00 Armando Stellato <>:

>  Yes, absolutely agree that we should provide the SPARQL constructs, as
> an operational way to express their semantics. I think we already have
> them, as Manuel has written them in a LIME exporter component (we should
> just readjust the output according to the structure we want to build..see
> previous emails).

Unfortunately, it is not that simple to express the semantics of LIME in
terms of a SPARQL construct. In fact, even simply counting the
lexicalizations of a given type of resources may be problematic, as it
depends on the combination of two queries: a query for iterating over the
interesting resources, and a query for selecting the lexicalizations.

Note that both queries depend on the specific use case, i.e. the modeling
vocabulary, and the linguistic enrichment model.

That said, I would really appreciate a specification expressed somehow in
SPARQL terms, as in the case of VOAF (

Manuel Fiorelli
PhD student in Computer and Automation Engineering
Dept. of Computer Science, Systems and Production
University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
Via del Politecnico 1
00133 Roma, Italy

tel: +39-06-7259-7334
skype: fiorelli.m

Received on Monday, 10 March 2014 10:23:43 UTC