Ontolex-Lime Metadata module proposal

Dear all,


sorry for taking so long. Please find attached to this email our proposal
for Ontolex-Lime, which we could use as a basis for discussion tomorrow.


It is a bit long, but we tried to keep everything compact and also "modular"
with respect to different topics and issues, so we had:


-          one single page the recap of the original lime

-          one page for requirements and desiderata (Philipp, we read your
email about the scenarios. In general we agree, but we think it was mixing
two orthogonal dimensions: the independent publication of ontology/lexica
and the number of involved lexica/ontologies; we tried to sketch here an
alternative view. Sorry we were not in time for a figure, but we can add it

-          half a page for use case scenarios

-          a rationale for the use of Lexicalizations

-          a concrete proposal for the metadata model

-          two more half pages for discussions related to:

o   the ratio vs integer issue

o   the use of senses in lexicalizations (we read the emails of today and
decided to reply to everything in this single document)



Armando and Manuel




Ing. Armando Stellato, PhD

AI Research Group,

Dept. of Enterprise Engineering

University of Roma, Tor Vergata

Via del Politecnico 1 00133 ROMA (ITALY)

tel: +39 06 7259 7330 (office, room A1-14);

     +39 06 7259 7332 (lab)

fax: +39 06 7259 7460

e_mail:  <mailto:stellato@info.uniroma2.it> stellato@info.uniroma2.it




Received on Thursday, 10 April 2014 18:39:51 UTC