naming of the ontolex model

Dear all,

   on the telco last Friday, we went through and discussed the votes on 
the 8 questions. I will summarize our interpretation of the votes and 
make a proposal on how to proceed in a separate email.

Before I do that, I would like to share with you some thoughts on 
question 7 related to whether the model should be called ontolex or lemon.

This is the only question where there are clearly two subgroups of 
people voting on different names. While I have been involved in the 
design of lemon, I have voted for calling the model "ontolex" as I find 
it important that we acknowledge that the new model we are developing is 
a new model that is based on a larger consensus compared to the lemon model.

And while in principle names do not matter, I think we should take into 
account that many people have started to use the lemon model already 
with the result that the lemon model has gained some momentum and 
popularity. Taking this into consideration, I think it would be 
detrimental to loose these people and coming up with a new model with a 
completely new name might indeed confuse people and be also detrimental 
in the adoption of our model.

So as a compromise between both groups, I would like to throw a third 
proposal in. What about calling the new model to be developed "lemon2"?

In this way, we would buy in all those people that have started already 
to use lemon model as potential adopters of our new model. At the same 
time, we would make clear that this is a new model that extends the 
previous model in a number of respects. We would also follow a prominent 
example with the extension of the Web Ontology language OWL being named 

At the same time, using the name lemon2 would be a clear sign to the 
early adopters of the lemon model that they can continue along the same 
path and do not need to start anew.

I would like to understand if this is a viable option before we make a 
final decision on the model's name.

Best regards,




Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano

Phone: +49 521 106 12249
Fax: +49 521 106 12412

Forschungsbau Intelligente Systeme (FBIIS)
Raum 2.307
Universität Bielefeld
Inspiration 1
33619 Bielefeld

Received on Monday, 9 September 2013 13:19:10 UTC