TBX/RDF - Requirement 7 (Modelling lexical resources)

Dear all,

As agreed I attached some information (papers and slides) on TBX and the Semantic Web. To the best of my knowledge the standard is being adapted by ISO currently.
Nathan Rasmussen, Alan Melby, and I have been working on a representation of TBX in RDF and OWL.
Thus, I would be highly interested in supporting the group in this regard.

Should we also mention the Translation Memory eXchange (TMX) format, the W3C International Tag Sets and the Multilingual Information Framework (MLIF) fostering interoperability between multilingual data (i.e. XLIFF, TMX, TBX, etc.)?


Mag. Dagmar Gromann
Universitätsassistentin prae doc
Research Assistant

Institut für Englische Wirtschaftskommunikation
Institute for English Business Communication

Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Vienna University of Economics and Business
UZA 4 - Nordbergstraße 15, 5. Stock, A5.10
1090 Wien, AUSTRIA
Tel. + (43-1-)31336-4288
Fax. + (43-1-)31336-747
E-Mail: dagmar.gromann@wu.ac.at<http://service.gmx.net/de/cgi/g.fcgi/mail/new?CUSTOMERNO=2968880&t=de286486608.1280834132.37638404&to=barbara.frodl%40wu.ac.at>

Received on Tuesday, 22 January 2013 16:52:33 UTC