RE: Next Ontolex Meeting, tomorrow, Feb 22, 12:00

Dear all,
I’m sorry I cannot attend too. The one-week shift collided with student
exams I set in advance for that date.
However, in the previous days I added more info on:
and defined two sets of metadata (one for Lexical Nets, and one for
ontologies enriched with linguistic info). Plus, I reported on my thoughts
(and discussions with other people) regarding the subjects of these
metadata. More to come in the following days.
Finally, getting back to a previous msg from Aldo about
d_Data, and his observations about SKOS. I think it is important to
understand if and how SKOS (and SKOS-XL) may be reused in this modeling. 
SKOS concepts may provide the conceptual backbone of lexical resources (e.g.
synsets in wordnet), while reified labels coming from SKOS-XL may allow for
the specification of lexical relationships. Thus, while sitting on top of
the SKOS-XL skeleton, this could be only a:
1)      Subclassing work: e.g. define Senses, Lexical Entry etc… as specific
subclasses of SKOS(XL) elements.
2)      Instantiation:  e.g. A vocabulary of reusable, shareable, lexical
From: Guadalupe Aguado [] 
Sent: giovedì 21 febbraio 2013 09.30
To: Philipp Cimiano
Subject: Re: Next Ontolex Meeting, tomorrow, Feb 22, 12:00
Dear Philipp
I'm afraid I won't be able to attend the meeting, as I'll be in a doctoral
thesis board.
Elena will attend the meeting.
Best regards
2013/2/21 Philipp Cimiano < <>>
Dear all,

 this is to inform you that tomorrow we will have our regular ontolex

We will continue our discussion of particular examples, in particular
looking at the contributions here:




Paul/Mihael: I do not see any RDF examples in the wiki yet, will you manage
to work them out until tomorrow?

Elena/Lupe: same for you, I do not see any RDF examples in the wiki yet

John: you wanted to work out how to represent Lexical Nets* in lemon, with
WordNet as an example; can you please provide some RDF code for this?

>>From then on, I would discuss how to i) model lexico-syntactic patterns
(Dagmar: are you going to be there?) and ii) how to link entries across
resources. We could start with Framenet / Verbnet for example, then showing
how they can be used within a lemon lexical entry. Linking to wiktionary
could be also considered as well as to ISOCAT.

Another issue will be to look at modelling terminological resources in the
lexicon-ontology model.

Thanks to everybody. We have to get concrete and produce some (draft of a)
spec this year ;-)


Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
Semantic Computing Group
Excellence Cluster - Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
University of Bielefeld

Phone:  <tel:%2B49%20521%20106%2012249> +49 521 106 12249
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Received on Thursday, 21 February 2013 11:26:17 UTC