10th ESWC: Call for Papers

10th ESWC 2013 -- Semantics and Big Data
May 26-30, 2013, Montpellier, France.

General Chair:
Philipp Cimiano (Bielefeld University, DE)

Program Chairs
Valentina Presutti (STLab, ISTC-CNR, IT)
Oscar Corcho (UPM, ES)

====*Call for Papers*  ====

ESWC is the premier European-based annual conference for researchers and practitioners in the field of semantic technologies. ESWC is the ideal venue for the discussion of the latest scientific insights and novel applications of semantic technologies.

The leading motto of the 10th edition of ESWC will be "Semantics and Big Data". A crucial challenge that will guide the efforts of many scientific communities in the years to come is the one of making sense of large volumes of heterogeneous and complex data. Application-relevant data often has to be processed in real time and originates from diverse sources such as Linked Data, text and speech, images, videos and sensors, communities and social networks, etc. ESWC, with its focus on semantics, can offer an important contribution to global challenge.

ESWC 2013 will feature nine thematic research tracks (see below) as well as an in-use and industrial track. In line with the motto "Semantics and Big Data", the conference will feature a special track on "Semantic Technologies for Big Data Analytics in Real Time". In order to foster the interaction with other disciplines, this year's edition will also feature a special track on "Cognition and Semantic Web".

For the research and special tracks, we welcome the submission of papers describing theoretical, analytical, methodological, empirical, and application research on semantic technologies. For the In-Use and Industrial track we solicit the submission of papers describing the practical exploitation of semantic technologies in different domains and sectors. Submitted papers should describe original work, present significant results, and provide rigorous, principled, and repeatable evaluation. We strongly encourage and appreciate the submission of papers including links to data sets and other material used for the evaluation as well as to live demos or source code for tool implementations.

Submitted papers will be judged based on originality, awareness of related work, potential impact on the Semantic Web field, technical soundness of the proposed methods, and readability. Each paper will be reviewed by at least three program committee members in addition to one track chair. This year a rebuttal phase has been introduced in order to give authors the opportunity to provide feedback to reviewers' questions. The authors' answers will support reviewers and track chairs in their discussion and in taking final decisions regarding acceptance.

** Important Dates (11:59pm Hawaii Time) **

Abstract submission: December 5th, 2012
Full paper submission: December 12th, 2012
Authors' rebuttals: February 11th-12th, 2013
Acceptance Notification: February 22nd, 2013
Camera ready: March 9th, 2013
Conference: May 26th-30th, 2013

** Submission information **

All papers and abstracts have to be submitted via the conference submission page:https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eswc2013
Each submitted paper must be associated with one of the available tracks.
Abstract submission is a strict requirement.

Papers will be published by Springer in the  Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Papers must be in English, should not exceed fifteen (15) pages in length and must be formatted according to the LNCS guidelines. More information about Springer's LNCS series are available on the Springer LNCS Web site. Papers must be submitted in PDF (Adobe's Portable Document Format) format and will not be accepted in any other format. Papers that exceed 15 pages or do not follow the LNCS guidelines can be rejected automatically without a review.

Authors of accepted papers will be required to provide semantic annotations for the abstract of their submission at the time of acceptance. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the paper there.

All tracks and associated chairs are listed below. Additional information, track descriptions, and list of topics of interest can be found on the conference web site:http://2013.eswc-conferences.org/.

** ESWC 2013 Research Tracks **

	Aldo Gangemi (LIPN-Paris 13-Sorbonne Cité, FR and STLab ISTC-CNR, IT)
	Eva Blomqvist (Linköping University, SE)

	Pascal Hitzler (Wright State University Dayton, Ohio-USA)
	Luciano Serafini (FBK, Trento, IT)

Linked Open Data
	Jun Zhao (University of Oxford, UK)
	Jens Lehmann (University of Leipzig, DE)

Semantic Data Management
	María Esther Vidal (Universidad Simón Bolivar, Venezuela)
	Axel Polleres (Siemens AG Österreich, AT)

Social Web and Web Science
	Marta Sabou (MODUL University Vienna, AT)
	Andreas Hotho (University of Würzburg, DE)

Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval
	Alfio Gliozzo (IBM Watson Research Center, USA)
	Malvina Nissim (University of Bologna, IT)

Machine Learning
	Claudia d'Amato (University of Bari, IT)
	Dunja Mladenic (J. Stefan Institute Ljubljana, SI)

Mobile Web, Sensors and Semantic Streams
	Josiane Parreira (DERI, IR)
	Payam Barnaghi (University of Surrey, UK)

Services, Processes and Cloud Computing
	Terry Payne (University of Liverpool, UK)
	José Luis Ambite (University of Southern California, US)

** ESWC 2013 In-use&  Industrial Track **

	Sofia Angeletou (BBC, UK)
	José Manuel Gómez-Pérez (iSOCO, ES)
** ESWC 2013 Special Tracks **

Semantic Web for Big Data Analytics in Real Time
	Sören Auer (University of Leipzig, DE)

Cognition and Semantic Web
	Krzysztof Janowicz (University of California, USA)
	Kai-Uwe Kuehnberger (University of Osnabrück, DE)

For more detailed information, please visit the conference website:http://2013.eswc-conferences.org/

Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
Semantic Computing Group
Excellence Cluster - Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
University of Bielefeld

Phone: +49 521 106 12249
Fax: +49 521 106 12412
Mail: cimiano@cit-ec.uni-bielefeld.de

Room H-127
Morgenbreede 39
33615 Bielefeld

Received on Wednesday, 12 September 2012 13:22:02 UTC