Re: more on Senso Comune

I failed to attend last telecon, where I was supposed to continue
discussing the semiotic model [1] referred in the requirements.

Incidentally, SensoComune model was partly inspired by discussion that led
to semiotics.owl [1] as a general semiotic knowledge pattern (of course I
take the whole responsibility for the latest :)). I am available to
continue on that at the next telecon.


2012/6/13 Alessandro Oltramari <>

> Thank you Guido for presenting the Senso Comune initiative. I'm available
> for any clarification, especially on TMEO (Tutoring Methodology for the
> Enrichment of Ontologies)
> Also, I want to apologize once more for not being able to attend the
> regular teleconferences. Unfortunately, every Friday morning (East Coast,
> US), I must participate to an internal Project Meeting.
> Best Regards,
> Alessandro
> On Jun 13, 2012, at 7:55 AM, Guido Vetere wrote:
> All,
> please find attached A.Oltramari, G.Vetere 'Lexicon and Ontology Interplay
> in Senso Comune' (Ontolex 2008) which explains the general idea.
> A more comprehensive article will appear in the next issue of TAL journal (
> I recall you that you can download SC ontologies (draft status, with
> comments) here: - to open them,
> please use an OWL2 editor such as Protege 4.1
> Don't hesitate to contact Alessandro Oltramari, Aldo Gangemi and me if you
> want to know more.
> Guido Vetere
> Manager, Center for Advanced Studies IBM Italia
> _________________________________________________
> Rome                                     Trento
> Via Sciangai 53                       Via Sommarive 18
> 00144 Roma, Italy                   38123 Povo in Trento, Italy
> +39 06 59662137                     +39 0461 314031
> Mobile: +39 3357454658
> _________________________________________________
>  *Philipp Cimiano <>*
> 11/06/2012 12:15
>   To
> "" <>
> cc
>   Subject
> last teleconference
> Dear all,
>   the minutes of the last teleconference can be found here: *
> Our next telco will be on the 6th of July, 15:00.
> John: can you please circulate the relevant lemon papers through the list?
> Guido: can you please also circulate the SensoCommune papers in which the
> model is described around?
> That would be great.
> Best regards,
> Philipp.
> --
> Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
> Semantic Computing Group
> Excellence Cluster - Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
> University of Bielefeld
> Phone: +49 521 106 12249
> Fax: +49 521 106 12412
> Mail: ** <>
> Room H-127
> Morgenbreede 39
> 33615 Bielefeld
> IBM Italia S.p.A.
> Sede Legale: Circonvallazione Idroscalo - 20090 Segrate (MI)
> Cap. Soc. euro 347.256.998,80
> C. F. e Reg. Imprese MI 01442240030 - Partita IVA 10914660153
> Società con unico azionista
> Società soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento di
> International Business Machines Corporation
> (Salvo che sia diversamente indicato sopra / Unless stated otherwise above)
> <5.pdf>
> *_______________________________________________*
> *Alessandro Oltramari*
> Research Associate
> Psychology Department
> Carnegie Mellon University
> 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15213
> Tel.:  +1-412-268-6284
> Fax.: +1-412-268-2798
> Homepage:
> FMS group:
> * "there’s no such thing as the unknown– only things temporarily hidden,
> temporarily not understood.” (*Capt. James Tiberius Kirk)

Aldo Gangemi
Senior Researcher
Semantic Technology Lab (STLab)
Institute for Cognitive Science and Technology,
National Research Council (ISTC-CNR)
Via Nomentana 56, 00161, Roma, Italy
Tel: +390644161535
Fax: +390644161513
skype aldogangemi

Received on Wednesday, 13 June 2012 15:23:02 UTC