AW: Telco tomorrow

Dear all,

Unfortunately, I will not be able to join today's telco.

As regards the pattern on datatype properties, thanks for your suggestions and yes, you are right.
Might be better to use an example closer to the LSP on for this pattern:
"Metals are lustrous, malleable and good conductors of heat and electricity."

Von: Philipp Cimiano []
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 06. Dezember 2012 17:39
Betreff: Telco tomorrow

Dear all,

 I have edited the following three requirements according to our discussions last week, trying to come up with a synthesis that we can agree upon:

Please have a look, I have some questions on these that I would like to discuss tomorrow.

For example, concerning the pattern:

NP<class> sein [(AP<property>,)*] oder AP<property>: Aggregatszustände sind flüssig, fest oder gasförmig.

      :flüssig a owl:DatatypeProperty;

               rdfs:domain :Aggregatszustand;

      :fest a owl:DatatypeProperty;

               rdfs:domain :Aggregatszustand;

      :gasförmig a owl:DatatypeProperty

               rdfs:domain :Aggregatszustand;
It seems to me that flüssig, fest oder gasförmig  can not be properties as they do not have arguments, to they?

So I see two possibilities:

1) Aggregatszustand is a class and flüssig, fest and gasförmig are nominals, i.e. Aggregatszustände \equiv \{flüssig\} \sqcup \{fest\} \sqcup \{gasförmig\}

2) aggregatszustand is a object property with can have the individuals ex:flüssig, ex:fest and ex:gasförmig as range

3) aggregatszustand is a datatype property with values "flüssig", "fest" and "gasförmig"

The sentence

Aggregatszustände sind flüssig, fest oder gasförmig.
is in fact compatible with all of the above modelling, so which one do we choose when including the pattern in the lexicon-ontology model?

Further, I have added a new requirement:

We should discuss this one tomorrow in detail.

Please read through these as I intend to stabilize them tomorrow.

Looking forward to our talk tomorrow.



Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano

Semantic Computing Group

Excellence Cluster - Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)

University of Bielefeld

Phone: +49 521 106 12249

Fax: +49 521 106 12412


Room H-127

Morgenbreede 39

33615 Bielefeld

Received on Friday, 7 December 2012 11:05:49 UTC