Re: is overloading of leftOperand possible using dataType pertaining to rightOperand ?

Hi Sridhar…a small point...

The odrl:dataType is the data type of the value of odrl:rightOperand.

In the example below, that does not seem correct as the value of odrl:rigthOperand is a “URI” datatype.

Cheers - Renato

> On 16 Mar 2024, at 18:35, Sridhar Krishnamurthy <> wrote:
> I tried to model (forgive my naivety) by addressing both of these cases through a single leftOperand ('deliveryChannel') and by specifying different 'types' of the rightOperand values through odrl:datatype (amg:dc for VOD and amg:lc for linear channels).
> The modelling was to be as follows:
> Example (a) :
> <> 
>     a odrl:Set ;
>     odrl:permission [ 
>         odrl:action odrl:play ;
>         odrl:target <> ;
>         odrl:constraint [
>             odrl:leftOperand odrl:deliveryChannel ;
>             odrl:operator odrl:eq ;
>             odrl:rightOperand <> ;
>             odrl:dataType amg:dc ;
>         ];
>     ];
>     .

Received on Monday, 18 March 2024 13:16:09 UTC