Action - includedIn / implies

Hi everyone,

As I’m double-checking, I have come to realise that in the diagram 
( the arrows for 
“includedIn” and “implies” are not directly related to the definition of 
an action within a rule being created, and that they are semantic-based 
and defined within the ontology (or at least that is what the 
documentation, profiles and ontology appear to tell me) to be used 
within a rule being evaluated.

I would suggest if that is the correct interpretation and for clarity, 
the lines should be in a different notation (dotted?) and perhaps the 
same notation should apply to ‘inheritFrom’, ‘subClass’ and ‘partOf’.


Joshua Cornejo
+44 7980 859678

Received on Friday, 8 March 2024 09:37:09 UTC