Re: constraining parties and leftOperands

I think the only way to “constrain” the assignee is to use a party collection….

Something like….

ex:policy001 a odrl:Agreement ;
    odrl:assigner <> ;
    odrl:target <> ;
    odrl:permission [
        odrl:assignee a odrl:PartyCollection [
                odrl:source  <>
                odrl:refinement [
                    odrl:leftOperand  odrl:function ;
                    odrl:operator odrl:eq ,;
                    odrl:rightOperand <<>
        odrl:action odrl:play
    ] ;


> On 13 Jun 2024, at 17:32, Joshua Cornejo <> wrote:
> I am looking for a constraint-based model for the tuples of [action -> parties] to prevent the following 2 situations:
> As your catalogue of policies grows (policies + roles + departments + parties), it will create unnecessary rules that need to be managed and tracked in sets (extra admin + more chance of errors).
> If I want to map to the control layer in REGO (OPA) or CEL (FGA), I have N ODRL rules = 1 REGU/CEL rule (N = number of parties) – now my ‘mapper’ has to be extra smart to bound to the output (complex), or I will have a larger (unnecessary) ruleset to test (runtime inefficient).
> Regards,
> ___________________________________
> Joshua Cornejo
> marketdata <>
> embed open standards 
> across your supply chain
> From: Renato Iannella < <>>
> Date: Thursday 13 June 2024 at 04:04
> To: " <> Group" < <>>
> Subject: Re: constraining parties and leftOperands
> Resent-From: < <>>
> Resent-Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 03:04:29 +0000
> I may have missed some complexity, but would this work:
> ex:policy001 a odrl:Agreement ;
>     odrl:assigner <> ;
>     odrl:target <> ;
>     odrl:permission [
>         odrl:assignee <> ;
>         odrl:action odrl:play
>     ] ;
>     odrl:permission [
>         odrl:assignee <> ;
>         odrl:action odrl:transform
>     ] .
> Cheers - R

Received on Friday, 14 June 2024 07:02:26 UTC