RE: Error Ontology

Hello Joshua.Cornejo,

Hallo @all,

What ist the  goal of usage for the error representation?

* Seeking human readable info for an occurred error message.
* Support of error and parsing mechanisms (in a compiler)



Dipl.-Phys. Frank.Haferkorn


From: Joshua Cornejo <> 
Sent: Montag, 15. Juli 2024 17:14
To: Group <>
Subject: Error Ontology




Does anyone know of a “broadly” used ontology to represent errors?


ex:returnedError               a on:Error;

               terms:description "did:odrlw:0190b6bc-7d30-7062-a56c-f5b2be29edfa subject {efe046cc-4e45-4c4f-915d-146a81dd5749} not found"@en.


I am looking to return useful information (for example above, the party - in red - wasn’t found in the world - in blue).




Joshua Cornejo

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Received on Tuesday, 16 July 2024 05:09:41 UTC