Notes of ODRL Telefonconference on 3 December 2018

Notes of the ODRL CG teleconference held on 2018-12-03


Participants: Michael Steidl /MS, Ensar Hadziselimovic /EH


** Agenda:

The issues shown in the ODRL Github issues section 


* Issue 7 - Profiles

EH: is interested in creating an ODRL Profile

MS: has created a document for this purpose


The discussion resulted in these planned actions regarding a How To Create a
Profile Guide:

- include a section pointing at the Profile section of the ODRL Information
Model document ( as a kind of
prerequisite for creating new profiles

- describe two workflows

-- a simple one for profiles using all existing (sub-)classes and only
extending the Core Profile by Actions, Constraints, etc

-- a complex one for extending ODRL with new (sub-)classes

MS will take these actions - soon.


As EH plans to extend ODRL for his thesis he will have an active view on
this document.


** Next call

As outlined by Renato the next call with be on the first Monday of February
2019 = 4 February

Not defined is the time of this call.



This meeting was closed at 20:40 GMT


Scribe: MS




Gesendet von / sent by:

Michael W. Steidl

Email: mwsteidl@ <> 

1180 Wien/Vienna – Österreich/Austria



Received on Monday, 3 December 2018 20:49:38 UTC