Re: isAnyOf constraint

On 20 Jun 2014, at 02:28, Appleby, Paul <> wrote:

> I hope this is an okay place to ask some 'newbie' ODRL questions over the coming weeks.

Yes, please do!

> Regarding constraints and isAnyOf. I wanted to check I have interpreted the use of the rightOperand correctly. Would this be the correct way (in RDF/XML) to specify a constraint that says: 'Allowed in English, Spanish and German languages'

The correct way (in XML) will (optimally) require URIs for the languages codes, then you have a space separated rightOperand:

    <o:constraint name="" operator=""

Renato Iannella
Semantic Identity
Mobile: +61 4 1313 2206

Received on Friday, 20 June 2014 01:55:38 UTC