Vocab - Actions

Attached are the notes and actions from the teleconference call to discuss the changes to the common vocabulary (thanks Michael for scribing!)

**Please NOTE the Actions ***

ODRL Community conf call (by Skype) on 2014-02-19
Participants: Renato Iannella /RI, Cindy Lewis /CL, Stuart Myles /SM, Michael Steidl /MS + Victor Rodriguez Doncel /VRD
RI: consider to take out these terms
- the ONIX terms
- Creative Commons
- the OMA terms
SM: it would be an improvement if we have only clearly defined terms in the vocabulary.
CL: who of ONIX was involved?
RI: it was Francis Cave
UPDATE: Francis has confirmed that ONIX is not using ODRL so there is no impact from removing them
RI: CC terms we can move to the ODRL/CC Profile
** Discussions of the definitions proposed by IPTC:
RI: they may be too extensive
MS: definitions should be as precise as possible - say legal consultants
SM: too long definition may be confusing engineers having to implement ODRL
MS: pointed out that the definitions also clarify if an action can (only) be used for Perm/Prohib or Duty
RI: then we should split up the vocab into a Perm/Prohib Action vocab and a Duty Action vocab
- this was agreed by the group
RI: asked all on the call for some more comments.
The group should come to a conclusion and adopt the proposed changes - after we have taken out the (currently) not  required terms.
MS: IPTC offers to hand over the action vocabulary to a law firm  - for a legal review (and to pay for it). They would return comments and where required alternative wordings.
RI: invites MS as representative of IPTC to become the co-editor of the action vocabulary. MS gratefully accepted.
RI is working with Roberto García Gonzalez, the creator of a rights expression ontology for this project, on some shared ideas and approaches of mapping ODRL vocab to a broader copyright ontology
****** Next Actions *****
1 - Remove the terms no longer required (ONIX, OMA, CC)
2 - Update ODRL/CC Profile with terms
3 - Set a due date for final comments on the proposed changes
4 - After the due date: create the final draft Common Vocab document ...
5 - forward this to legal firm for review

Renato Iannella
Semantic Identity
Mobile: +61 4 1313 2206

Received on Friday, 21 February 2014 03:58:44 UTC