Re: Paper analysing ODRL 2.0

On 11 Jul 2013, at 23:07, Víctor Rodríguez Doncel <> wrote:

> Or in another example (last par. in Section 4.1):
> "They noted that the Core Model draft of 2005 [IG05] has a lack of expressiveness. Policies cannot be considered as equivalent to legal contracts
> as they lack some information like date and location of the agreement and are thus not legally binding"
> Can't a couple of DublinCore properties be added for this? (or digital signature, or whichever addendum is needed)

Some of these decisions were made a long time ago..and I am sure one of the email archives holds the discussion...

But, as an example, we took out date/jurisdiction (in 2005) as we felt that we were not in the "legal contract" business and we could not provide a way that satisfied this in all jurisdictions. So we removed those elements and said that if a community required this feature, then they would add it to their profile.
It could have been as simple as some Dublin Core elements, or as complex as LegalXML eContracts [1].

Renato Iannella
Semantic Identity
Mobile: +61 4 1313 2206


Received on Monday, 15 July 2013 02:50:30 UTC