Policy type "set" and granting rights (?)


IPTC currently reviews the RightsML specification document and checks if it
matches properly with the ODRL spec.

In this course we ran into an issue with the specification of the "set" type
of policy documents ( see: http://www.w3.org/community/odrl/two/vocab/)

The last sentence of the Comment says: "No privileges are granted to any

-          What does "privilege" mean? This term occurs three times in this
Vocabulary document, always stating that no privileges are granted. The Core
Model document does no use this term.

-          If this a privilege is something like a permission this
definition of "set" causes a problem: we understand that a policy of type
"ov:set" is a kind of generic type covering the other types (like agreement,
offer, request .), a refinement of the semantics are achieved by the context
of using the policy. From our view this context should be able to express
granting rights, e.g. if an ODRL policy is added to an IPTC NewsML-G2 News
Item (this is an XML document)  it must be possible to define: this policy
grants rights to the receiver of the News Item.


Thanks for your clarification,



Michael Steidl

Managing Director of the IPTC [mdirector@iptc.org]

International Press Telecommunications Council 
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Received on Tuesday, 16 April 2013 16:10:13 UTC