Hi, fellow members of the Nordic Accessibility Community Group.
Agenda for today:
* Someone from each work group presents the result of their discussions
* We talk about who would like to join each group for the next 6 months
* Other topics that we may want to bring up if we have time
I hope many of you will join us for this January 2023 session.
The purpose of this meeting is for the working groups to present their suggestions for how this group can work on ensuring networking opportunities within the group, how we can work to help schools and universities become better at teaching accessibility as a discipline, how we can internally share experiences and resources, and more.
This meeting will be an opportunity to affect what we will be working on going forward and, if you like, for you to play a part in one of the initiatives.
We hope to see you there!
Best regards,
Tobias Christian Jensen
Microsoft Teams meeting
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