RE: Confirming intention to meet at TPAC?

Hi Dave,

Regarding the schedule, given the Sys Apps group is meeting on Monday Tuesday, I think Thursday is more appropriate but Tuesday could work.
Number of people is kind of tricky thing because we can plan up to 10 WG members maximum but considering observers, we need more chairs.
We can reasonably consider 15 members.
And I'm fine to accept observers with prior agreement from Group chair.


From: Dave Raggett []
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 4:47 PM
To: Bourhis, Jacques
Subject: Confirming intention to meet at TPAC?

Hi Jacques,

We need to confirm the schedule and expected number of people for the NFC working group for the meeting at TPAC this November, see:

This is for the working group meeting and would be separate from a NFC session on the plenary day (Wednesday).

For observers is okay to accept them with prior agreement from Group Chair?

Many thanks,


Dave Raggett <><>
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