Re: Next Web Focus

> I'd ask this group to step back a bit, and focus on places where
experimentation can work, rather than rushing forward to encourage design
by committee. Yes, that's slower, but it produces far less erosion of the
values that make the Web triumph.
I'll skip any attempts to rectify misconceptions because that seems to be a
dead end - so let me try rephrasing the question entirely:

The CSS WG has a number of proposals that allow CSS to introduce new boxes
in the render tree and control layout of said boxes.  Are there missing
fundamental primitives that would allow these very high level proposals to
develop by community and experimentation rather than by committee.  Do you
think so?  If so, what might that look like?  If not, we just leave these
new ultra-high level things developing in committee unexplained - hope and
wait?  Note that some members of this group are on that WG and they can be
good advocates if we have thoughts.

> Back to the observation tower.
> Good luck, and thanks,
> --
> Simon St.Laurent

Received on Wednesday, 29 January 2014 14:47:16 UTC