Re: Web MIDI polyfill

There's a lot to consider in that sentiment. It's a lot like File system access (sandboxing argument) and using a camera with your phone in a web app is hanging in the balance. Doesn't require a plugin, just UA implementation.

I believe that there's more in this example that is necessary for UA extension and not necessary for HTML/CSS/JavaScript. And it would be interesting to me, to see how this resolves inside ChromeOS or inside FirefoxOS.

However, I've been persuaded with this thread. I could support the notion that a plugin is an effective way to drive support for a prollyfill. As long as that's the result. 

Maybe the hesitation I had was due to an incomplete mission statement for the group - maybe this could be articulated somehow?

On Dec 13, 2012, at 2:52 PM, Chris Wilson <> wrote:

>  In short, the Web MIDI API exposes hardware that you just don't get access to anywhere else in the web platform today - so it requires a plugin at the moment.

Received on Thursday, 13 December 2012 22:36:03 UTC