from June 2023 by thread

Call for Participation: Media Working Group Charter Approved; Join the Media WG xueyuan (Tuesday, 27 June)

Accessibility Education and Outreach Working Group charter extended until 31 December 2023 xueyuan (Tuesday, 27 June)

[wbs] response to 'Call for Review: MiniApps Working Group Charter' Steve Faulkner via WBS Mailer (Monday, 26 June)

Call for Participation: Publishing Maintenance Working Group Charter Approved; Join the Publishing Maintenance WG xueyuan (Tuesday, 20 June)

[wbs] response to 'Call for Review: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Charter' Tantek Çelik via WBS Mailer (Monday, 19 June)

[wbs] response to 'Call for Review: Web Payments Working Group Charter' Tantek Çelik via WBS Mailer (Monday, 19 June)

[wbs] response to 'Call for Review: MiniApps Working Group Charter' Steve Faulkner via WBS Mailer (Thursday, 15 June)

Upcoming: W3C Workshop "Secure the Web Forward", 26-28 September 2023 xueyuan (Wednesday, 14 June)

[wbs] response to 'Call for Review: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Charter' Steve Faulkner via WBS Mailer (Tuesday, 13 June)

Proposed W3C Charter: MiniApps Working Group (until 2023-07-14/15) xueyuan (Monday, 12 June)

[wbs] response to 'Call for Review: Media Working Group Charter' Tantek Çelik via WBS Mailer (Thursday, 8 June)

Call for Participation: Distributed Tracing Working Group Charter Approved; Join the Distributed Tracing WG xueyuan (Thursday, 8 June)

Advance notice: Work in progress on Pointer Events Working Group Charter xueyuan (Thursday, 8 June)

Last message date: Tuesday, 27 June 2023 14:18:25 UTC