[wbs] response to 'Call for Review: EPUB 3.3, EPUB Reading Systems 3.3, EPUB Accessibility 1.1 are W3C Proposed Recommendations'

The following answers have been successfully submitted to 'Call for Review:
EPUB 3.3, EPUB Reading Systems 3.3, EPUB Accessibility 1.1 are W3C Proposed
Recommendations' (Advisory Committee) for Benetech by Charles LaPierre.

Regarding the "EPUB 3.3" specification, the reviewer  supports publication
as a W3C Recommendation as is.

Additional comments about the specification:
   I am very proud of the work we have done to make this latest version of
EPUB easier to understand, more robust, and more accessible than ever
before.  Huge shout out to everyone who helped make this a reality
especially our main co-chairs Wendy and Dave.  There are so many to thank
but a few I closely worked with Avneesh for big picture thinking and our
accessibility ambassador, Dan for the testing framework, Matt on all things
editing and for reorganizing the specs into these three simplified
versions.  A big thank you to our fearless W3C leader Ivan, who kept us on
track and was instrumental in getting us here not to mention contributed to
just about every GitHub commit!  It's been a pleasure working with you all
and the entire Publishing WG. 

Regarding the "EPUB Reading Systems 3.3" specification, the reviewer 
supports publication as a W3C Recommendation as is.

Additional comments about the specification:
   Congratulations to everyone who contributed to this specification, this
makes it so much easier for Reading System developers to find everything
they need in one specification in order to help them build a robust EPUB
reading system. Huge shout out to Matt Garrish who did an extraordinary job
of pulling out all the reading system portions from the original specs to
make this a reality.

Regarding the "EPUB Accessibility 1.1" specification, the reviewer 
supports publication as a W3C Recommendation as is.

Additional comments about the specification:
   I would like to thank Avneesh, George, Gregorio, and Matt for all your
help in making this specification something that will drive accessibility
making EPUB the most accessible publishing format in the world.  

Thanks to this specification, accessible EPUBs will be discoverable by
millions of readers world wide.

The reviewer's organization:
   - produces products addressed by these specifications

Comments about products related to these specifications:
   Benetech's GCA (Global Certified Accessible) program is built upon the
former Accessibility 1.0 specification and will transition to using this
updated 1.1 specification once it becomes a W3C Recommendation. 

GCA wouldn't have been possible without this EPUB Accessibility
Specification and currently has over 80 publishers and over a dozen
conversion vendors who have been GCA certified and are creating fully
accessible EPUBs.

Answers to this questionnaire can be set and changed at
https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/epub-pr/ until 2023-05-15.


 The Automatic WBS Mailer

Received on Thursday, 13 April 2023 11:57:04 UTC